Oct 11, 2004 13:26
Hi guys!
Yeah, someone has returned to their livejournal in an attempt to actually get to update. My computer is still FUCKED UP, just waiting for a new one now.
I love diaryland, and once I get my computer back at home, dont expect to see anymore entries here again, unless Im bored at work.
So, the past couple of weeks have been... pretty shit. Love my mates, wish they'd all love each other, know why thats not possible, but hope is a stupid thing. Love my dad, dont like him much though. Work blows.
The recent weekend was the exception though. Friday night I went bowling with Jay, Paul and Matt. This was fun, but ended waaaaay too early for a Friday night. Meh.
Saturday, I voted. Wasted that one. Damn Liberals. Anywho, then I went to the show with Courts. Spent way too much money, but had so much fun that regretting the moeny spent is impossible. The only thing missing was an orange dragon to go home with. I saw it early during the afternoon, and tried to win it. Didnt get it, I suck at games. The rides were wicked fun, and FINALLY I got to go on the Ferris Wheel again. I havent been on one since I was little, and I still love it. Makes no sense, because Im shit scared of heights, but oh well. Im weird.
Saturday night I went with Courts to Sarahs house, hung out with a few mates there, before coming home early Sunday arvo. Dad and I had a fight, I screamed, then cleaned my room. When Im angry I clean. My room is spotless. This made Dad happy. My father is a freak.
Anywho, here is a short quiz seen on a few livejournals.
Three Things You May Not Know About My Education:
1. I went to 9 different schools
2. I never finished Year 9, and only did half of Year 10
3. I have done one unit at University.
Three Things You May Not Know About the Job (Jobs) I Have (or Had):
1. I work on the second floor of a four floor building in East Perth
2. I hate it here, yet at the same time I realise how much of a good oppurtunity this is for me, and how many other people would love this sort of oppurtunity.
3. I used to be an Avon lady, for like 6 months in Year 11.
Three Things You May Not Know About My Online Life:
1. I have two special folders in my favourties toolbar, one for comics and one for porn.
2. I think Google is the answer to anyones problem. Go on, Google it.
3. I used to pretend to be blonde and thin. Oh, and my name was Ivy.
Three Things You May Not Know About Where I Live:
1. I live right in between two major roads, and 20 minutes from the City.
2. I live with my father, and wish to kill him. Frequently.
3. My dad put a roof over the patio over the weekend.
Three Things You May Not Know About My Personality:
1. Im very self centred
2. I have absolutely no self esteem, but a fair bit of confidence
3. I used to be a sociophobe (person who had a fear of any sort of social gathering)
Three Things You May Not Know that I Desperately Want:
1. Horses. Ever since I was little, Ive always wanted to live on a horse farm, and raise horses
2. To be someone else for one day. Not anyone specific, just to see what its like in someone elses head.
3. To live with all my friends in the same state/metropolitan area/town/house. Including Sarina.
Three Things You May Not Know About What I Do in a Typical Day:
1. I usually hit the snooze button on my alarm at least 5 times before I even think about getting out of bed
2. I havent eaten breakfast since I was 13
3. I make sure Im home in time for Neighbours. Im hooked.