yeah yeah big update! *not really BIG..* As always i'm a little bit busy with work friends etc etc... i did a lot of thing this week! and i did a VERY important thing...eheheh...i got a tattoo =3 After one year i did it! I needed something strong..i was in a bad period an it helped me a lot! What i did? a crown, a russian crown in my right wrist, very similar to, i didn't do it 'cause i'm in love of Kyo. First of all 'cause it's a very usefull symbol in jrock stuff *jewelry dress design* and i like it sooo much <3. But also 'cause it reminds me Dir en grey, the music, all the special friends that i met for them and a person that i admire from my heart. i don't want forgive this years even if in some years i will stop to listen Dir (^^-) *i don't think this will happen but..meh*
I haven't told it to someone, so you are lucky è__é *ALL: who cares???" xDD
I'm more and more anxious for the concert! yaiiii i can't waiiit (><) i'm just very sorry 'cause Enru probably can't come whit us..uff uff i'm planned to buy a lot of thing at X-traX...eheheh shoeeees!!! At the end the "old" ppl is just me Virgy Clara and Stefano, the other person are all new from our group :3 and i can't wait to meet others person too,as Ninphy *my Bou slave xD*, Xel, my kouhai Reira, Stef, Miyu, The Doctor, Drusilla *LOOOOL ok ok, i hate her,but it will be funny talk with a stupid fangirl xD* oh and "compagno veterano dei concerti " Squall too!!
mmmhh...i eated strawberry with heands smell of strawberry now too (°_°) *lick lick*
Chiaki, my japanese penpal sent my a package with a lot of stuff and my b-day gift too,one month before xD Kawaiii!! Candies, chocolates, pictures and hellokitty keychain with my day of birth and gemini symbol..OMG OMG i love her <33333333 but i have no time to take picture of her gift now, i'll do soon (^^-)
Ok, stop to speak about nothing, is better if i go to sleep some hours now but first.... picture of the comics convention in Milan under the cut!
MY TATTOO *not clear picture,sorry*
Stef and Ele
Reirachan (°w°)
Stef Kyo kawaii xD
me and Ele pajama partyyy
My kittycat Luna =^^= (fat..neh? xD) scary mom u_u
ROFL i LOVE this picture xDDDDDD