(no subject)

Nov 06, 2004 16:12

I'm really angry/annoyed/confused/bored so I'm going to steal some surveys from people and do them.

01. Last Cigarette: never.
02. Last Kiss: god only knows how long ago
03. Last Cry: a wee or two ago?
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: i think it was something to do with a project...
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: umm, o my I think it was Papparazzi?
06. Last Book Read: Is Kissing A Girl Who Smokes Like Licking An Ashtray?
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: tool.
08. Last Beverage Drank: orange jouice
09. Last Food Consumed: so shit my dad got me for breakfast, which I ate at 2.
11. Last TV Show Watched: pokemon
12. Last Time Showered: this morning
13. Last Shoes Worn: phat farms.
14. Last CD Played: I believe it was a mixtape for Victoria that I am goign to remake.
15. Last Soda Drank: nestea, if that counts.
16. Last Thing Written: are you joking?
17. Last Words Spoken: 'Why does it matter if I prefer to hang out with girls?'
18. Last Sleep: last night.
19. Last IM: laura
20. Last Sexual Fantasy: who knows.
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: strawberry?
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: probably like a week or two ago.
23. Last Lipstick: I don't wear lipstick.
24. Last Time Dancing: yesterday i think.
25. Last Show Attended: edgefest, the effing summer...
26. Last Big Car Ride: what the difference between a big car ride and a regular one?
27. Last Crush: i think it was meghan?
28. Last Annoyance: my dad.
39. Last Disappointment: please, I dissapoint myself all the time.
30. Last Time Scolded: like 10 minutes ago.
32. Last Web Site Visited: livejournal.

01. piercings = none.
02. tattoos = none.
03. height = 5'?"
04. shoe size = 10/11
05. hair color = uber dark brown
06. siblings = two.

01. movie you rented = mean girls.
02. movie you bought = i odnt even remember.
03. song you listened to = I Miss You - Blink 182
04. song that was stuck in your head = what you waiting for - gwen stefani
05. cd you bought = umm the used, death cab for cutie x2, and cake
06. cd you listened to = take a guess.
07. person you've called = ummm i jessica smith?
08. person that's called you = jesica smith
09. tv show you've watched = are you completely retarded?
10. person you were thinking of = adora, cuz i was talking to her
11. friend you made = lauren.
01. you have a crush on someone = hmm i dont think so...
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = anywhere but here.
03. you think about suicide = not very often, but occcasionally when i'm really really REALLY sad.
04. you believe in online dating = nope.
05. others find you attractive = probably not.
06. you want more piercings = no.
07. you drink = never, but its looking better and better...
08. you do drugs = nope.
09. you smoke = nope.
10. you like cleaning = not really.
11. you like roller coasters = very much so:)
12. you write in cursive or print = print. cursive takes too much effort.

+ long distance relationships = i dont think they work very often, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
+ using someone = against.
+ suicide = against
+ killing people = well, that all depends on who.
+ teenage smoking = whatever.
+ doing drugs = if you're into that.
+ driving drunk = god no.
+ soap operas = ha. its funny how dumb they are, and how so many people take them so seriously.

+ song = We Laugh Indoors - Death Cab For Cutie / What You Waiting For - Gwen Stefani / Yesterday's Feelings - The Used
+ thing to do = listening to music / expanding my cd collection / making people mixtapes.
+ thing to talk about = it deoends on who the person i'm talking to is.
+ sports = i dont do sports.
+ drinks = it depends on my mood.
+ clothes = whatever looks nice.
+ movies = pumpkin <3, white chicks
+ singer = too many to name.
+ holiday= holidays are going to suck from now on.

+ ever cried over a girl = not that i remember.
+ ever cried over a boy = in a friend way, but tears of anger
+ ever lied to someone = who hasnt?
+ ever been in a fist fight = nope. but i think id lose.
+ ever been arrested = nope.

+ shampoo do you use = umm something with this koala on it i think. it changes everytime the bottle runs out.
+ shoes do you wear = converse, paht farm
+ are you scared of = scary things.

# of times you have been in love? unfortunately never
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