(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 21:48

You know what. THis is utter bullshit.

I'm watching Election coverage. they said one of the candidates said "gays should not be teaching in schools nor should single mothers." EXCUSE ME!

Someone needs to kick the mother fucker in the goddamned balls. This is total bullshit. All these republicans continue to go on and on about how reglious and shit and morally they are but they seem to forget one of the golden rules that I as a christian raised child remember:


Saying gays cant get married is judging.
Saying that women can't get an abortion is judging.
Saying single women and gays cannot teach in schools is judging.

To each their own, live and let live. I'm sorry but what one person choses to do is THEIR buisness. This should not even be an issue.

I really think that they need to re-read the bible instead of picking and choosing the parts they wish to quote. The bible contradicts itself time and time again. For every comment there is something that can be used to counter it.

God tells us to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, yet here we are with YOU CANT GET MARRIED if YOU LOVE ANOTHER PERSON OF THE SAME SEX! or wait.... omg your a single mother you cant teach in our schools!

You know what, i'm so fucking sick of this conservative men are better than women bullshit. What about single fathers? Bet that wouldn't be an issue. Nooo of course not. Even if a guy leaves a woman its stillthe womans fault. I mean afterall we're teh evil sex of the two.

I'm sorry but people like the Conservative Republicans and just all around bible thumping assholes should be bitchslaped and/or castrated if they're a man.

We have laws against discrimination yet we allow this to continue in our country.

I could go on for hours but Ima stop before I get even more pissed off.
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