I'm friggen tired....

Dec 06, 2004 19:06

Prolly because my mom came in my room this morning with her daily ramble about nothing at 7am and for some reason I couldn't fall back asleep which was very annoying.

I got my phone bill today. It was supposed to be $90ish but because of some promotional crap it was only $50... WOOHOO! Thanks, Sprint!

I'm so glad that school's almost over. I NEED winter break bad. I just feel overwhelmed with everything right now. Because break from school means break from babysitting too because my aunt's not taking any winter courses so I get a double break. Not that I don't like babysitting, it's just sometimes I feel like a mom and well, I dunno how to explain it, but I do not want to be a mom for a long time. I use to say 22ish... HA! Yeah right! That's only 2 and a half years away (whoa.. that's kinda scary) aannnddd I don't even have a boyfriend, nevermind a fiance/husband. lol So the baby plans are not a priority anymore. .... Who the hell was I kidding anyways???? Babies at 22?!

I cooked spaghetti and meat sauce today. It was good.

Um, I think snow is okay if your inside looking out at it. Other than that, enough already.

I can't go out tonight b/c I have to get up at 6ish tomorrow cuz I have to go to Middleton Jail to observe the Scared Straight crap, so I am staying in otherwise I know I won't get up.

EEhhhhh, and now my mom's in the office and is likely going to bitch that my typing is distracting her, then bug me to turn off the volume on my computer because of IMs and WAH WAH WAH.... SOoooooo in order to avoid listening to her whine, I am going to cut this short. I ssshhhouuullldddd go clean my room.... but I don't think that's gunna happen.

The End.
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