Nov 09, 2006 14:36
I stayed home from school today, as adviced from my student advisor lol.
I aknowledge that I have, for whatever reasons, mental issues. So it's no suprise to me when I act a little strange. Infact, I've come so far as to expect it, as have my close friends and family.
However, as of late I've been experiences difference "symptoms", if you will. And while at first, they were so irrelevant that I paid no real attention, now they've developed into more disconcerning attributes.
Here are a list of some of the things I'm experiencing. And for those reading things that know me well, you'll see how they've very unlike my character.
1. Confusion: It's not like I never get confused, but this confusing occurs many times a day in full force where at times, I can't recognize people or places that I see every day. While it's a short lived stint, it is a tad worrisome.
2. Forgetfulness: This one is making me the most angry. I'm a forgetful human being; absoloutely. But lately, it's been the point where I'm losing things that I use every single day and would never lose otherwise. For example, yesterday morning, as I was getting ready to leave for school, I realised I had lost: my cell phone (which still isn't found), my wallet, and my car keys. Needless to say this has got me quite upset.
Another reason this is so upsetting is that the evening where I was supposed to have lost all of these items, I can't remember. I remember little occurences like playing with Liam, and parts of phone conversations, but that's it. I usually have a very good memory for detail.
Also, another tiny detail, is as I'm writing this, I'm forgetting some words I use in context all the time. I mean, on a daily basis.
3. Slurred Speech: I'm articulate and have good, if not great vocabulary. The slurring has been going on for a while, a few months infact, but it was never noticable until now. People are commenting when I mash words together by accident.
4. Head Aches: I say headaches because I get migraines farily regularly. These headaches are much different from my migraines in the sense that they're always located in the same area, and it's never a throbbing pain all over my head, and I have no sensitivity to light.
5. Vision: This one is as interesting as it is disconcerning. Somedays's, and this is with my glasses on, it's almost like I'm seening through something (not my glasses lol). It's like the the texture of my surroundings are changed.
6. Concentration: In short: I can't. Only in spurts. Even now my mind wanders.
7. Lack of sleep: This isn't something new, nor much of a symptom, but I'm going to related it to number 8.
8. Halucinations: This is probably the most insane sounding of all. But yes, I am "seeing things". However, I'm an extremely logical person, although that attribute of myself doesn't always help in this situation. The first time anything happened of this nature was in the summer the night before I was to drive to Brockville. I was petrified because not only was I seeing things, but I was also feeling things. I attribute everything that night to intense sleep deprivation.
Everything as of late has been while I've been out (for the most part). Usually when I'm driving. I tending to see people and animals crossing the road, where there would certainly be no people crossing the road. And as I slow down and get closer they evaporate. I'm going to blame ghosts. lol - kidding. Sometimes, I still feel like I'm being touched, or poked. And I've developed a fear of the dark for whatever reasons.
So anyways, I wrote most of that out so I can organize my thoughts before I forget again. And maybe someone reading this will have an idea of what's going on.
I'm going to say that these are the symptoms of Immaculate Conception, because logically, it makes the most sense.