Oct 06, 2006 22:43
Bleh, so -that- section of school is finally done. Just say NO to computer applications.
The final exam was alowed a 3 hour window. I was done in a hour, then left as soon as I was done.
I got to drive in that day because Liam had been up the night before with a really bad sore throat. He had what sounded a bit like a 'whooping' sounding cough, but not the actual 'whooping cough'. Today I took him to the doctor because he had thrown up this morning, had a fever, cough, sore throat, and I don't know why, but his tongue is coated with this thick thick white paste.
So, our regular doctor was away on vacation, but another doctor was there, and took a look at Liam. He said it was probably just a virus. But he was confused as to why there was so much coating on his tongue. He said it probably wasn't likely, but there was a slight possibility that it could be thrush.
In the end , if he isn't looking better by the end of the long weekend, then we'll have to get back to the doctor's on tuesday.
In other news, I cannot stress enough how hard it sucks to have no money. I think I have roughly 24$ to my name. Give or take. That includes my chequing account, savings account, change jar, and whatever's poking around my purse/wallet.
The lady in Financial Aid at my school had really screwed me over. Hopefully I'll at the very least have my OSAP papers this week, and my money will be deposited the week after. If I don't et my paper this week coming, there's a serious issue, and financial aid and I need to have some serious words.
The reason all of this is her fault is because when I applied for my entrance into the school, I got a list of everything I needed to have in order to successfully apply for my OSAP with lots of time to spare. But what ended up happening, is that little less than a month before the start of school, I started getting calls from the lady in financial aid telling me that there were forms missing and that she needed them ASAP to complete my application. So I went ahead and got them. But instead of just giving me a list of everything I needed so that I could drop them in all the same time, she told me about them one by one, unbeknownst to me that there were more papers needed.
I also had a fright because I recieved a call from the Ontario Loans office stating that I had to have a certificate of enrollment faxed in by the 1st of October, or I'd have to pay the inerest accumilated on my loan. The loan is actually roughtly 600$ + . Anyways, before orientation I called financial aid and told the lady about what i needed, but she said she could't send anything until my OSAP papers had come in. She said they'd be in on the monday when I started. AS much as I bugged her, she told me nothing of the status of my OSAP papers. Anyways, last week I realised that the 1st of october had come and past, and myself, being blatently agrivated, went to see Henry, the student advisor (he's the one who enrolled me, he's very nice) and told him of my confusion and worry.
He subtly talked to financial aid, and she tip-toed around the major issues, but I'm proud to report she did infact send in my certificate of enrollment that day... sans OSAP papers I might add.
And she, ladies and gentlemen is the winner of the:
I have alot more to say, but my fingers are tired lol.
Everyone please send your positive thoughts to my little boy and help him feel better.