I was in a very energenic mood today at school, and it was very well expressed to the public. I decided to spice up my hair, so first was the Erika Badu style.. which proved not so appealing, but alast! I did find something quite suitable... dreadtails! from the very high, very side of my head. I'm talking, hitting kids in the face that pass by me in the halls huge! It made me smile a whole lot, because there was no possible way to avoid them.. I looked like a crazed, evil wendy's girl (majority voted on that description) On my way to work today, people were slowing down and staring out the windows while driving past... it was a little extreme, but mostly a fabulous time.
Work wasnt too horrible either. Shannon and her lover Tom came in and visited me, which made me happy... which cancelled out the horrible singing from Shawn of Jimi Hendrix and his casual standing creepishly close, and staring, and ughh I wont even get started! And my boss's 2 year old son came in and we danced to Queen, and it made me happy. So I suppose today was pretty good.
I had a huge fight with my best friend the other day.... but we sorted everything out. It really makes me so sad to think that she can be so easily manipulated by her boyfriend, she just stays bound by fear of being uncomitted. It's so frustrating hearing her say from her own mouth that she knows she doesnt want to be with him forever, and that theres so many problems, and that he doesnt understand her at all. But the second he steps in her sight, my words and hers and the conclusions and realizations we come to get slipped under the floorboards. She's so much better than that.. she's so much more than a trophy... all I can do is stand by her until she'll accept that.
I got my semi dress on the weekend.. it's very pretty. I spent a 100 bucks.. and I'm aware that's quite pricey but the way I figure it; I've been going to 3 semi's a year since grade 9, and never once have a bought a dress... so compared to all the girls that buy a new one for each semi, I've saved hundreds, dare I even say thousands! Not to mention, I dont own any dresses, because I mainly dont wear them.. but.. there's really no need to explain it, I'm a girl, I can buy an expensive dress if I want to haha.
All in all, I'm starting to organize everything and one, followed by work and time and THEN another one, things are falling into place. Well as much as I can expect them too.. which probably wouldnt be at all to another person. But that's okay, because I'm not another person, I'm me. And... I have a strong urge to bake apple cinnomin muffins... soo.. I think I'm going to give in to that urge. Mmm... tomorrow morning's breakfast...
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