as i promised to put up, here they are.
emma and laura aka michael alig
daniellasaurus and i
danielle casting a spell? cool man...
franci and lauren
daniella loves the camera
and i love daniella
dom being GaNGsTA
hey hey... me and cass.
daniella cass and terran
terran and i
balloons and spiders... halloween spirit
daniella marlisa and sheamus
shea and alexa
daniella dearie and kelly
kel me dearie
me daniella kid terran cass arielle dearie... we're all looking the other way because someone else was taking a picture, and the angle this was taken on is really messed up.
nicole. i don't really know her, but hey... she's pretty, and seems to be one of the only real people who go to harborfields, or so i've heard. cool enough for me though.
stephanie and kid
julie and monica
i don't know this girl but i had to get a picture of her costume
laur and trisha (michael and christina)
and again
christie and me...?????
carina rachelle nicole
me and robbie
robbie being suicidal and hanging himself! oh no!
me and riss
okay, supposively me and jen got "lost in the woods"... except that it never happened and this picture was taken by jen from inside the bus. she just thought it would be more interesting to make up a nice story to go along with the picture.
harborfields varsity cheerleading... my life <3
#1. do NOT leave your mean little immature comments on what you think of me or my friends. fuck you. your opinion means nothing to me, so don't waste my time. just let me live my fucking life.
#2. theres no number two... or three... or four.