The Four Winds Faire -or- Gypsies and Magic: My 5 week adventure

Apr 10, 2008 11:28

As most if not all of you know, I recently spent 5 weeks away from home.  Here is the super condensed version of the trip, more like an itinerary.  more to come...prolly.

Tuesday February 26th
             i84-i81-i70-i40 to somewhere in Alabama where we slept until sunrise.  The snow followed us the whole way except in Virginia where it stopped long enough for us to watch the sunset.

Wednesday February 27th
             i40-i20-Tyler Texas-co rte 110-some road with a four digit number in stead of a name(seems to be the way of it in Texas)
             we arrive at the fairegrounds around 4:30.  We meet the "welcoming party"  (Jeff), who guides us onto the grounds by hanging on the side of the truck.  We meet Dustin, he owns the property...well more accurately, the property of Visicaya Ranch has been owned by his family for over 200 years(must be tough).  We meet Desdemona, She is the leader of the Dance Your Dreams Studio in Tyler Texas, and the leader of the Dream Harem Bellydancers at the Four Winds Faire.  We decide to set up next to the bellydancing stage in stead of the petting zoo.  We go to the campground.  We meet Bilbo, the Bamboo Man, with a Bamboo plan...he's kind of like Johnny Appleseed only with bamboo.  That night I heard February...

on saturday we meet Cap'n Stumpy (Keven) and Karen and...Bo...or perhaps beau...or bow...I'm not even sure if he knows how he spells it...I planned on asking him when he was sober...I still don't know...we also meet Bilbo's mother Carole, she is really cool.

opening weekend goes by...sales are low, bossman is worried, bellydancers are fun to watch while 'working'

during the following week Bilbo brings us to a Bamboo words can describe the feeling of ultimate Zen that I experienced in that grove.  if you have been to the buddhist monastery on 301 about 3 miles walk then when I say, 'take the Zen-ness from there and multiply it by 2.'  that is the best that I can do with words to describe the energy in the bamboo grove.  This was an experience that forever changed my life.

during that first week we watched the first two seasons of Lost.  I'll prolly start watching the third season soon.  We also met the Raggle Taggle Gypsies, Kent and Melissa.  We also met Blake and Lola, and her kids Aiden(4) and A.J(3), and his daughter Faith(2).  Lola turns 22 or 23 later this summer...

Tuesday March 11
          We go to Austin.  that week we see Powderburn play two shows and spend some time hanging out with Polly and Rob.  They took us to EXTREME Pizza...perhaps it meant EXTREME(-ly close, but not quite passable as) Pizza, but that would be a huge sign.
we saw wild cacti and it was 75 on the streets of austin that thursday).

The third weekend we move the Rusty Bucket to a new location, hoping that being on the main avenue would increase business...the bellydancers do not approve, but understand that business is business.

Somewhere along the way we were introduced to Cindy.  She is awesome.  Her accent is fun because it's a strange combination of northern texas and louisiana.  Also, one of the weekends saw a huge patron organization take over the far campsite.  they had a big fire, Ehrich brought his Violin, and We met Curtis.

I will probably blog an entire post about Curtis.

Dave decides that in stead of remaining at four winds on the fourth weekend we would try out a biker event that everyone assures us will be very lucrative.  Free Beer, flows like water...and tastes kind of like water(Natural light).  sales are, if possible, worse then at 4winds.  I did get my new hat at the 9th annual longriders 3day thaw though.

the following tuesday we leave texas.
     i40-i55-Saint Louis, Missouri.  We spend tuesday night, all of wednesday, and a bit of thursday morning at the Wagners' houses(overnight at the senior Wagners and during the day wednesday we spent some time at Robbie and Justine's(the house Leslie grew up in).

Thursday April 3rd we leave St. Louis. 
                i70-i80-i84-Luddingtonville road
                   at about 5:15 Sam arrives at the sunoco across from the Hess to take Ehrich, Myself, and most of our stuff back to the burrow.

I've just spent the last week kind of recovering and working on my audition piece... oh and yesterday Daisy and I walked to the Monastery and back.


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