Aug 01, 2007 08:04
In reply to her post regarding one of the two lasting positive things that I got from our relationship.
Who kicked whom at 2:30am to get up and feed him, and who did it, with little complaint?
Who drove for hours to retrieve him when he was no longer convenient for you to ward?
Who searched for days, not sleeping, barely eating, plastering every tree, board and telephone pole within a mile with posters?
Who sat with him for hours each day wondering whether he'd walk again, and who didn't even call one time to ask?
I am done with your "holier then thou" know-it-all attitude and your lies.
I sit here shaking with anger and hurt that I cannot express because I have to much tact.
I loved you with every ounce of my heart and soul. I came to you a broken, empty, lost, young man who believed that no one in the world could love him for who and what he was. I thought I had found that someone in you, but you filled my emptiness with lies and torment.
I left our relationship more broken and empty then when I entered it, but I came away with a few things that made it worth it.
I learned that the most important thing in any relationship, especially that of a lover, is open honest trust.
I also found my familiar, the cat who can speak directly into my mind and allows me to dream again, the companion that is one of the very few reasons I was able to put up with you as long as I did.
I truly, honestly and openly, wish you luck and happiness in all of your future endeavors, unless they include any move against me or my kith. I don't fear you or any of my friends you might try and turn against me. I know that my true friends will stand with me when those that claim friendship don't.
I don't need you in my life anymore. You are poison, laced with deciet.