Mar 15, 2006 23:02
omg i just wanna die like kill me.
i cant do this anymore i just cant
i freaking miss you julia
like i cant live any longer i am so used to seeign u EVERYDAY!
and not to see u for like what 3 weeks? it seems like a freaking year
ahhhhhhhh julia this is a special post just for u!
k so uhm we started off in soccer u not liking me but me loving u and well then tht was it for like 4 or 5 years. then high school came and i really wanted to be friends with u and it was just kinda awkward then came along hockey and math class and terences house lmao and b4 u knew it u wer my best friend like how the hell do u put up with me child!? "the more this friendship grows the more anoying u get" lmao. like i just love it. me n u are so honest and upfront with eachother and we dotn take stupid silly things to heart. and i just love how wer so tight with eachothers parents cough cough lmao. i love how my parents ask about u like everyday "hows julia feeling?" "whats julia doing tonight" or liek anything. and i love how we just critisize, and make fun of and annoy eachother. and i love how we cant say hi on msn if we have to go soon cuz if we start talking we wont stop.
so basically julia thank you for being my best friend and being there for me.
i miss you lots and hope u feel better! ♥