Jun 21, 2005 08:58
What a Beautiful nite!
Strat didn't drink, he's decided to not drink Vodka anymore because it makes him crazy. I told him good! and Thank you! its means a lot to me that he's going to try and do something about it! He said the bum that lives under the bridge has had an impact on him. He talked with him again yesterday. The guy told him to quit drinking vodka. He said just drink beer. Vodka steals your soul, makes you crazy, you have nightmares. Strat said yep... that's what it does to me! Vodka makes him an ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So last night we didn't smoke, and he didn't drink, and he didn't smoke any weed. I had fun with him, we laughed and hung out. I missed that about him. I love the person he is when he isn't fucked up! and it's getting to where I never see him unless he's fucked up!
I got a little roadrage last night and this morning... nothing to bad. I usually don't get all upset with other drivers especially when the kids are in the car.
so I'm on San Jose coming home. I'm traveling a little over speed limit. The vehicle in front of me is a car length away. The blue truck behind me (older woman) starts to ride my ass. I don't really pay attention to her and then she flys past me honking her horn... so at the stop light coming up I get beside her and just starred at her making it obvious that yes your a crazy bitch and then the light changes and I'm way ahead of her, I waved bye... and the whole way I maintained at least 3-4 cars in front of her without even driving crazy or trying to run people over.
then this morning....
I'm on San Jose again going the other way.... I put my blinker on so that I can get over and there's about 2 cars lengths between the vehicles in the other lane. She sped up so I couldn't get over... why is it that when your in traffic people get all offended like your trying to invade their space. "This is my lane and how dare you even think that you can get over here in front of ME!"
If people were nicer when they were driving there would be a lot less accidents.
Instead people get way to defensive like they're on a racetrack. Are you in that big of a hurry to kill yourselves and the others around you?!? I don't know about you but I want to protect my children and not drive like I've got a death wish!