Nov 15, 2004 18:45
lots of frees, and me and kris spent all of lunchtime sitting in the sixth form block comtemplating popping the huge inflatable snowman, having tiffs about who should go to the stereo and change the song (i was nearest, but he has longer legs...therefore i win, he goes), and chasing each other around school trying to draw on the other with marker pen.before school i went to the music rooms and listened to music for a bit with ed..then we went and sat on the chairs in the EDM block foyer with prev and emily wooley and trussy and dru. the only drag was history..but then that was over and home time it YAY.
and now im going to see the price by arthur miller at thje belgrade theatre.
now i need to go phone kirk cause hes diosapear off the face of the eartha nd i need to know if im rehearsing tomorrow.