WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF: » I committed suicide: well, cry, and then say you're an idiot » I was hospitalized: visit you, even though i hate hospitals. » I ran away from home: i'd most likely be with you » I got into a fight and you weren't there: say "nigga please!", find the person, and break faces.
[1] Who are you? i'm erica oh! [2] Are we friends? only the best [3] What do you think of me? i think you're fab. [4] Do you love me? only on days that end in "Y" [5] Have I ever hurt you? well, today in the car [6] Would you hug me? done it. [7] Would you kiss me? done that too. [8] Are we close? yeah, especially when we make out. [9] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? a zero. [10] Am I loveable? when you're not punching me in the boob, yeah. [11] How long have you known me? Umm, four years. [12] Describe me in one word. fantasmo. [13] What was your first impression? i don't remember. [14] What about me makes you happy? when we hang out, because we're pretty much the most in spades people ever. [15] What about me makes you sad? uhhhh skip [16] How well do you know me? eminently [17] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? i probably ended up telling you like, a week later. [18] Do you think I would kill someone? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. no.
» I committed suicide: well, cry, and then say you're an idiot
» I was hospitalized: visit you, even though i hate hospitals.
» I ran away from home: i'd most likely be with you
» I got into a fight and you weren't there: say "nigga please!", find the person, and break faces.
[1] Who are you? i'm erica oh!
[2] Are we friends? only the best
[3] What do you think of me? i think you're fab.
[4] Do you love me? only on days that end in "Y"
[5] Have I ever hurt you? well, today in the car
[6] Would you hug me? done it.
[7] Would you kiss me? done that too.
[8] Are we close? yeah, especially when we make out.
[9] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? a zero.
[10] Am I loveable? when you're not punching me in the boob, yeah.
[11] How long have you known me? Umm, four years.
[12] Describe me in one word. fantasmo.
[13] What was your first impression? i don't remember.
[14] What about me makes you happy? when we hang out, because we're pretty much the most in spades people ever.
[15] What about me makes you sad? uhhhh skip
[16] How well do you know me? eminently
[17] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? i probably ended up telling you like, a week later.
[18] Do you think I would kill someone? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. no.
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