Oct 26, 2004 18:36
Why I endorse President Bush
by Sunny S. Sidhu
October 25, 2004
In a matter of a mere few days, America faces a monumental and crucial decision, perhaps the most important one in its history. A divided nation will go out to the polls and make a decision, in the middle of a wartime period, between two distinct paths for the future. Many of these people are solidly behind their respective candidate; others are making a choice against another candidate, or are choosing the “lesser of two evils.” Regardless, a choice will be made, and America will face the consequences of that choice.
In my case, my choice will be one that I swore I never would make four years ago: I’m voting for President George W. Bush. Not only am I voting for President Bush, but I believe 100% that President Bush must be the man to lead us through these volatile times. The most important reason? George W. Bush has three things his opponent does not: strength, resolve, and a vision for the future. It is the last one of the three- vision- which is the most important one. For nothing good has been accomplished by a leader without vision.
We’ve seen this vision in George W. Bush- in foreign policy, national security, and even domestic policy. George W. Bush has the courage to step up and take risks- risks which need to be taken. He has the initiative to reform a failing Social Security system which, if not restructured, will lead to the loss of retirement benefits for just about everyone in the younger generation. He has the resolve to reform a gargantuan tax code, which causes millions of Americans to have to pay an accountant to translate for them every April 15th. He has the motivation to reform a failing public education system, and to give the unfortunate access to quality education- opportunities that they never had before. He had the intelligence to pass a sweeping tax cut in a period where the economy was about to head into a deep and dark recession- a sweeping tax cut which softened the blow, and now is leading to one of the biggest economic growths in America’s history.
Most importantly of all, President Bush has the moral conviction to go after those who devastated us on September 11th, 2001- whether the polls and world opinion backs his actions or not. He is what terrorists fear the most- just as the Reagan/Bush administrations of the 1980s were despised so much by Islamic fundamentalists. Who could ever forget the cheers in Baghdad, Iraq on the night Bill Clinton defeated President George H.W. Bush in 1992? I was only ten years old then; but that image remains engraved in my mind. That image will repeat itself if President Bush loses on November 2nd. Terrorists know they are up against a man who will do anything to defeat them- terrorists know that George W. Bush does not hold the tentative, appeasement-minded views of the United Nations and Western Europe. Whereas nations such as Spain fall to the actions of Islamic fundamentalist terrorists in their very homeland, George W. Bush takes the fight to them- preventing them from attacking our homeland.
This is a man who was changed, like many of us, on September 11th, 2001. This a man that saw that horror for what it was- a heinous, evil act by those who wish to destroy us. They do not simply want us to leave the Middle East, or stay away from them- they want us dead, because we are not Islamic fundamentalists like them. George W. Bush realized this- and he knew right then that negotiation, appeasement, and soft responses to those terrorists would not work. He took the fight to the terrorists- as a result, 75% of Al Qaeda’s leadership has been destroyed, and Osama bin Laden is trapped in the mountains of Pakistan. George W. Bush changed on September 11th, and it is a result of this change why he is the best man to lead America for the next four years.
President Bush has, of course, made mistakes. I, for one, did not support the invasion of Iraq when it happened. I believe, to this day, that the actions in Iraq could have been delayed, and that we might have been able to find out more about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction through inspections. However, I also realize that George W. Bush was presented with intelligence from three nations- the United States, Britain, and Russia- all of which stated that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and further intelligence stated that he had a relationship with Al Qaeda. In a post-September 11th world, the President was given a virtual ultimatum: act now to present further threat, or stay tentative and hope for the best- the latter being a policy that was routinely put into place in the 1990s.
This is not the 1990s anymore. We cannot simply hope for the best. We cannot ignore the fact that threats against our nation are out there. We cannot ignore that threat, stay at home, and pretend we are prosperous and safe. We cannot trust our enemies and hope that they will change their minds through giving them aid and other appeasements. We must be realistic, and we must act for the sake of our national security.
George W. Bush realized this, and George W. Bush acted- and in doing so, George W. Bush displayed the one characteristic that makes him the ideal terror warrior: he refused to give in to the will of the international community or polls- he put safety of America first, and that’s the one thing that should always come first. Given a choice between protecting America, or taking a chance and hoping for the best, one should always do the first. We did not do this in the 1990s, and it led to the very horror we faced on September 11th. We cannot let this happen again.
George W. Bush has not let September 11th happen again. George W. Bush will not let September 11th happen again. This, in itself, is the most important reason I believe George W. Bush should be our leader for the next four years. This is a man who says what he means, and means what he says. Whether you agree with him or not, you do know one thing: George W. Bush is a man of conviction, of strength, of courage, and of moral clarity. He will tell you, every single time, what he believes and what he wants to do- he presents his case with brutal honesty, even if he suffers in the polls as a result. He has a vision, the strength to present that vision, and the courage to be honest to people even if he suffers in popularity.
The same cannot be said of John F. Kerry. This takes us to the other key reason why I believe President Bush should be re-elected: John Kerry.
This is a man who, in the course of the last few weeks, has attacked George W. Bush on Social Security, saying that he plans a “January surprise” to cut senior citizen’s benefits from 30-45%, a totally baseless accusation. This is a man who has said that under George W. Bush, there is a heightened risk of a draft, despite Bush’s guarantee that there would be no draft. This is a man who has attacked the President each and every single time the President has presented a vision- whether that vision is on Social Security, taxation reform, the war on terror, or anything else- all in the name of becoming President for himself.
In late August, President Bush was being interviewed, and he stated that the United States could not “win” the war on terror. Everyone knew what he meant- that the war on terror was not a conventional war, which suddenly would come to an end someday. There will always be terrorists around, and even John Kerry knows this. But what did John Kerry do? He immediately came out swinging, attacking the President for “believing we could not win the war on terror.” He turned it into a political sword, and he tried to behead the President with it. John Kerry knows that the President, just as John Kerry, intends to win the war on terror. John Kerry also knows the war on terror will not suddenly end one day like World War II, or the Gulf War. But John Kerry did not care- instead, he tried to tell the American people that President Bush didn’t believe he could win the war on terror.
That, right there, is the essence of this man. This is why I cannot vote for this man.
John Kerry has done this again. In an interview this week, President Bush said that our safety from terrorist attacks is “up in the air” and that we could remain safer from terrorism by remaining on the offensive. Everyone knows that the President was saying that he cannot sit there and say for a fact that we will be 100% protected from terrorist attacks- no one knows that, and no one can assure that- not even John Kerry. What does John Kerry do? He immediately turns around and blasts the President, saying that if he were President, he would hunt down and kill the terrorists, and win the war on terror. Furthermore, John Kerry said that under his Presidency, our safety from terrorist attacks would not be “up in the air.” How does John Kerry know it would not be “up in the air?” How does John Kerry know that we will be 100% protected from terrorist attacks?
John Kerry does not know. As with the previous comment, he takes President Bush’s moments of honesty and candor, and turns them into political knives. John Kerry is the perfect politician- a man who will say anything, who will do anything, to become popular and obtain power. John Kerry is a man who will take someone else’s vision and shred it apart, without presenting his own. John Kerry hasn’t only attacked the President on national security- as mentioned before, he’s tried to scare people about the President’s Social Security reform package, and he’s done the same thing with the President’s plan to make America less reliant on foreign oil. He’s repeated the same behavior in trying to scare people about the President’s tax reform plans.
In doing all of these things, John Kerry does not present counter-proposals. He does not present his own feasible plans. Indeed, he has yet to present a plan to reform Social Security- even though it is in dire need of reform. His plan on reducing American dependence on foreign oil does not even address how to obtain oil from non-foreign sources. His policy in Iraq is the same thing as the President’s, but assumes that Western European allies will want to get involved there, when they have already said they refuse to do so. He relies on scaring the electorate from President Bush’s vision- while presenting no vision of his own.
John Kerry is a man who does not defend his convictions- he believes in the sanctity of life, according to his own words, yet stands against a ban on partial birth abortions, a brutal procedure in which a child is partially delivered, and then has their skull crushed and their brains vacuumed out, so they are killed instantly. John Kerry is a man who apparently believes that the rich should have their taxes increased- yet his own millionaire wife pays less in taxes than most middle class Americans do. This man is the perfect politician, which is why he has been so successful for 20 years.
This is no time for a politician. This is no time to have a leader who does not lead with conviction and America’s safety, but instead leads with polls and world opinion. This is no time to have a leader who does not have a vision for the future. This is no time to have a leader who wants to pretend the 1990s are still here, when they clearly are not.
The 1990s were a wonderful time of prosperity and assumed peace in the United States. Who wouldn’t want to go back to the 1990s? Those were some of our best years. We were stress free, and some of us had the best years of our lives back then. We didn’t have to worry about an Al Qaeda back then, because we were not aware of how much of a threat it truly was. Ladies and gentlemen, we must accept the reality that the 1990s are no longer here, and that we are in a new world today. We must act- we simply cannot afford not to do so.
Throughout the course of American history, our strongest leaders have acted- even if it meant taking huge risks. John F. Kennedy had the strength and conviction to confront the Soviet Union in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and to flat out refuse them an opportunity to place missiles in Cuba, risking the prospect of nuclear war to do so. Ronald Reagan had the moral clarity to confront the Soviet Union and to call it an “evil empire” when no one else had the strength to do so. Ronald Reagan confronted the Soviet Union with an ambitious defense program that led to the buckling of the communist regime itself- all of this while taking heat from the liberal left and the media. Ronald Reagan put America first. Ronald Reagan also passed sweeping tax cuts in the face of a failing economy, and took heat for this as well. His tax cuts later resulted in one of the largest economic booms in American history- despite all of the criticism he received for those very tax cuts.
The strongest leaders do not listen to fluctuating public opinion. The strongest leaders do not listen to the politics of other nations and special interests- the strongest leaders put America (and Americans) first. President Bush, like Ronald Reagan, puts America and its people first. President Bush, like Ronald Reagan, has a vision. President Bush, like Ronald Reagan, has the conviction to act on those visions, despite what his opponents may say. Strength, conviction, vision. The three things we need now more than ever.
America has faced times like this before. The late 1970s were some of the darkest times in American history- we had just come off of a brutal loss in the Vietnam War, the Soviet Union continued to regain steam, and under a failed Jimmy Carter Presidency, Afghanistan fell to the Soviets, and Iran fell to Islamic fundamentalists. Saddam Hussein came to power. America was falling behind, and the Soviets were well on their way to continuing their tyranny for decades longer. The economy was doing horribly, and we faced an energy crisis. Those were dark times, by any account.
That changed in the 1980s, thanks to Ronald Reagan. We put into office a leader who realized that times were changing, and that the failed policies of the 1970s simply could not work for the 1980s. We are in the 2000s now, a distinctly different decade from the 1990s- President George W. Bush realizes this. We must realize it, too- and we must realize that the policies of the 1990s no longer can work. Many of John Kerry’s policies revert back to the 1990s (an example would be how he wants to negotiate one on one with North Korea- the same failed policy that led to North Korea going nuclear in the first place). Doing that today would be just as dangerous as if Reagan had moved the United States back to the policies of the 1970s in 1984.
September 11th, 2001 happened, and we cannot simply ignore it. That day should be engraved in the minds of each and every single American- the horrifying images of that day. Not just of the twin towers collapsing, not just of the Pentagon being attacked, but of thousands of Islamic fundamentalists cheering the “demise” of the United States. In the 1970s, the Soviets cheered our misfortunes. Today, Islamic fundamentalists do. They cheer our failures, they celebrate our deaths, and they promote our destruction.
We must put into office a leader who can stand up to these people- and can stand up to the forces of an international community dominated by Western European politics- politics of appeasement, which has failed, time and time again. Politics of left wing socialism, which have failed economically, time and time again. Politics of selfishness, which have led to the armament of brutal leaders such as Saddam Hussein, through things such as the UN oil-for-food program by the French. We must put into office a leader who puts America first, each and every time- especially in the times we live in.
Ladies and gentlemen, John Kerry is not the man who can stand up to these people. You see it in his plan to revert many of our defense policies back to failed 1990s policies, which led to the problems we face today. You see it in his voting record, you see it in his policies for the future, you see it in his politics- a man who changed his stance on Iraq to compete with Howard Dean is no man who can face Osama bin Laden and hold his ground.
George W. Bush is a man who you may not agree with sometimes. George W. Bush is a man who does not communicate like a great orator; he is not a man who brings down the house during a speech. He is certainly not the greatest debater, and he will tell you that himself. But he is a man who has the things that matter most. He is a man who is honest and has that conviction that we so very strongly need. Most clearly of all, he is a man of honor, and a man of good intentions- no one except the most blindly partisan of us can possibly argue with that.
Finally, the hatred and anger displayed by the political opponents of the President over the course of the past few years has been nothing short of appalling. We are in a wartime period, fighting for our survival and prosperity, and people have the nerve to sit here and make references to our President being "Hitler" according to members of MoveOn.org, or being "brain dead" as in the words of Senator Joe Biden, Democrat of Delaware. People on the liberal left have the nerve to accuse President Bush of causing everything from the Florida hurricanes to the flu shot shortage- ridiculous claims in themselves. People have the nerve to sit here and accuse this man of siding with terrorists, like Michael Moore wants to imply. People have the nerve to sit here and do anything, say anything, to undermine this man. I cannot in good faith support any movement that has such a manic obsession with destroying someone like the liberal left does towards President Bush- especially after all this President did for us in the post-September 11th world. We could have completely fallen apart after September 11th- but we did not, and that is thanks to the strong and vigilant response of our President after that day why we did not.
It is with these respects, it is with everything I have said and mentioned above, it is with each and every word I have written for the past six months, that this former left-wing liberal does the one thing he said he would never do- vote for and endorse President George W. Bush for the next four years.