Smile, Nobody Loves You

Jul 09, 2005 00:35

Hey, well, the days are passing by great. Hey, I'm infamous! You'd think that death threats were that bad. Not really.

(Anonymous) 2005-07-08 18:24 (link) ...I think a few people need to be killed, seriously then everything would all be better. That was an asshole thing to do. I agree with you unpo utterly and completely. You have no idea how much I do. Some people really are just fucktards, plain and simple. Billy shouldn't have said what he did, he really should be shot for that. That is probably the lowest he has ever sank. Trash billy. When you have won you should quit, you are throwing away a victory you could have just kept. Asshole.

You rock vicious.

Well, first off, I'd love to thank you for the victory speech. And some people are plain and simple. Especially the ones who hide behind curtains. Hmm... I've sunk lower.. and it is most likely vicious attempting to make himself feel better. Did you just refer to Jackie as some kind of prize, because, of course she is. I just think it's sad that most people think she is just some kind of object at this point. I was speaking for Jackie. What Jackie and I have spoken about, is all that I've mentioned in conversation. Everything I've said, she believes in as well. Believe it or not, she told me to type most of it. I still find it very amusing that people wish me dead. Oooo, it just tickles my insides. And it lets me know people are hearing what I say. You wanted to see a malicious person in action. Well, I'm coming out. I'm the most cynical mother fucker you'll ever meet. My main goal as of these very few moments, is to make most of you cry every night. It is to make most of you toss and turn in your beds knowing what you can never have. It's sad waking up to your shit lives every morning knowing nothing will ever be the same, isn't it? It's great. All of it. Walking on during the day, not knowing who your true friends are. Not wanting to be anything but a nightmare. Something people want to forget, only to save your own selfishness from feeling guilty. Guilty about wanting to disappear. You were never even a day time memory or a pleasant dream. So go hide behind your lies. Let others swallow your lies. But don't believe that you made me even shed a tear or feel fear from anything you people have said.  Go dwell  on your issues  by  yourselves.  Nobody  really  wishes to hear them.  Especially since everybody knows that  all of your  issues  are  lost  causes and  issues  of  insecurity  because  of your  dark past were your mother didn't get you all the Christmas presents you wanted that year. You don't know pain. You've never been in hell. Just keep telling stories to each other. Put yourself in others pasts. Make believe you were beaten as a child. Make believe you have reason to act like a rebel. Fuck the government, why should you? Kill a man, for what? Most of your thoughts and actions have no purpose at all. I fucking despise people who act upon others dreams. If you wish to feel something, make sure the feeling is there from you, not from someone else's hatred.

"There is war in Heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon And the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not Neither was their place found anymore in Heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceive-th the whole world He was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him"

"Fingered slowly like the first time you came. The agents of oblivion descend upon the sane. Caked with mud and mother's blood. Playing death games in the rain. And we wonder how it feels to be free. I thought I heard them whisper mutiny. Living room rape scenes. We cut their throats while they slept. Dreaming and digesting shards of turtle shell. The television's blaring. And the ghost of Hitler speaks. Crowned with barbed-wire. I smear my warm semen on the walls of my oppression. I accuse God for the murder of eternity. My everything that is nothing. Christian propaganda and dog sperm. Degeneration... The beautiful downgrade. Do you remember the first sunrise?. Sharpened bone clenched tight in your fist. Screaming into the blue. An urge to kill the sky. I can smell the forest like pussy in heat. Barefoot I run through the chaos. The assassins of freedom tend the burning of truth. As we walk these prison walls. It's maddening, always touching something."
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