All your yesterdays and childhoods, come and claim them

Aug 05, 2009 16:42

Finished re-reading Harry Potter, inspired by watching Half-Blood Prince, and bothered by what they left out. Didn't feel like anyone care that Snape was it. Still, looking forward to seeing what they do with Deathly Hallows.

Re-reading the series, I was paying a lot more attention to Snape and Dumbledore (and Ron and Hermione), which was interesting.

Teenage love stories make me want to snuggle my wife.

Also, I'm pretty sure there's something in the water at Hogwart's, because the 16 and 17 year olds at my high school were up to a lot more than some snogging.

Perhaps it is just the offending of my sense of tidiness and everything should turn out nice-ness, but I think it would have been good if, at the end of Deathly Hallows there was some sort of friendliness b/w HP + friends and Draco. Having just found out that Snape was not a huge monster, and with Draco primed from getting his life saved in the RoR, wouldn't it be nice if we could have put some inter-house feuding behind us? At least go over and shake his hand during the epilogue. *shrug* Maybe it's just me. It would have provided a nice moral to the story for small children type of thing. (plus feeding the slashers *grin*)

Which reminds me, how to go about reading the series to small children? I almost want to make them wait a year for each one, so that they would match Harry's age, but I'm thinking they'd get fed up with that right around 13 and just read them themselves. So maybe start when they're 10 or 11 and just go until they're done? IIRC, the protagonist in YA stories is usually a year or two older than the target audience, b/c every kid that age wants to be a little bit older.
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