We watched the hax0red Bionic Woman pilot that
foreverseenstar told us about. It was good... so, as
jadziadaxwb already related, we did some research and it turns out that it may not be as made of awesome as we thought.
I'm grabbing Pushing Daises (this month brought to you by Dead Like Me) now, and Reaper. We'll see about that. Figured out how to hook the laptop to the new TV of largenesses.
Does anyone who was at D*C remember the other TV shows they mentioned in the "When did Sci Fi take over television" bumper? Some of them looked interesting, but those three are the only ones I can currently recall.
Dear TV, please to not be sucking with the starting new seasons of shows at the end of September, as opposed to the beginning of September, like back in the day (a more elegant weapon schedule, for a more civilized age). Also, get off my lawn (stealing from Wil Wheaton is fun). Still super excited about Heroes, it had better not pull a Lost. Speaking of Lost, why do you suck so much? But we keep coming back, like a love-starved-insert sad object here. And the not starting back up until Feb!
Where was I? Oh, yeah. WTF? September 20-this and October-that. The James is too excited to wait (we watched the Dead Like Me episode with 'The Ted' the other night).
Pardon the digression(s).
In closing, TV, you must conform to my every whim. Immediately. Dammit.