Karli-li ish tired. .__.

Jan 02, 2006 16:33

This morning my mom woke me up at 8:00 and said it was 11:30 just so I would get out of bed. D: She tricked me. She ish so mean. ;___;

Today we went to the stables and Amy, Laura, my Mom and I went out for a trail ride. Since I didnt lunge Skyler I had to walk him behind everyone else. Well, I was terrified because Skyler is a green horse {not green as in the colour, green as in hasnt been trained very much. ;D} therefore he isnt bombproof, which means I could get run over if something scared him. *gulps* :o So we went out, Skyler with his saddle and his bridle on and his lead-rope tied through his bit so I have more control if he like...tries to run me over. XD; Well, the first time he spooked was when we were just going out and he slipped on the ice, which wasnt a big deal because he just jumped back. The second time he spooked was at the end of a hill. That wasnt a big deal either. The third time was scary because the horse in front of us all of a sudden stopped and bucked like there was no tomorrow, almost kicking me in the head and made Skyler trot into a bush. =< The fourth time was bad, too, because he cantered in a bush, dragging me along with him, and like, whirled me around and kicked my knee. x__x It was kinda scary.

But apparently he was really good. XD After that we went home and I cleaned my room and than came to downstairs to go on teh computer. :3 My knee is killing me. Ish.

Oh and one more thing. X3 Happy Birthday Jorge~!
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