So I woke up at 7:30am this morning to a loud booming noise and the windows/floors shaking. I was a bit on edge since I work in Chelsea and was only a few blocks from the bomb that went off the other week. I luckily was far enough away and safely inside the restaurant but getting home that night was insane. There were firetrucks and cop cars
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(And I'm with you re Dramione. I've never understood it, but lately it's become a full-on squick for me. Perhaps it's because Dramione shippers seem to write a VERY different Draco from Drarry shippers?)
Yes, I am so squicked by Dramione that I even feel my insides squirm uncomfortably when I scroll through my flist and see the pairing listed. It's crazy!
as I texted _melodic_ the other day and I was rather crass... I'm promoting hp_drizzle in all the HET comms b/c I'm hoping to attract more HET readers since those fuckers prompted so much.
I find it rather surprising that so many people have prompted Draco/Hermione and so many authors have picked up those prompts, yet the comment count is no where near the Harry/Draco love.
Like if you leave an HD prompt and even if you get a crappy story, the original prompter still says SOMETHING. Dramione lovers don't seem to have that sort of courtesy... Some of these stories are half way decent... even if I don't like the Draco chracterizations. (Also, dude, you betaed one of the DRA/HER stories for drizzle...)
Do you think it might be b/c HET fics are dime a dozen on LJ? I tend to scroll past them unless I'm intrigued by the pairing and most of the times, I'm not.
I'll read the occasional Nev/Pansy or Ron/Pansy but that's about it.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling now.
/as you were
Perhaps it's because the standard of DRA/HER fics tends to be quite poor so people who don't actively ship it don't want to take a chance?
(Also, dude, you betaed one of the DRA/HER stories for drizzle...)
Guilty! It was a one-off: I offered because the writer was just getting back into the fandom (much like me) and didn't have a regular beta. Thankfully the writing was good! I'll be sticking to slash/femslash/gen in future though.
(Listen to me making excuses!)
Het (except maybe Pansy/Theo) just doesn't float my boat. Especially the explicit stuff. Perhaps it's because there's literally no non-squicky way to describe erm ... lady parts?
/so sorry _Melodic_ for hijacking your post and writing about lady parts.
/end lady parts
If that makes sense.
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