Eee, I love getting tagged in stuff (I don't know why, haha) and I got tagged not just once but twice! Thanks
digthewriter and
01) Name: Melissa
02) Animal: Ant
03) Girl's name: Talia
04) Color: Amber
05) Movie: Ron Ronnie Ron
06) Something you wear: Necklace
07) Drink: Earl Grey Tea
08) Food: Apple
09) Item in the bathroom: Eye Drops
10) Place: Spain
11) Reason to be late: Nightmares
I tag....
maccadole and
smirkingcat and anyone else who wants to give it a go!
p.s. Sorry I've been a bit mia lately! I feel so behind on current fest's fictions and everyone's livejournal posts. Work has been crazy lately and with less than two months until the wedding I've been busy as a bee. Hope everyone is doing well! <3