Sep 20, 2005 13:49
Went and got breakfast as early as possible (7am, even though I couldn’t sleep till 3am) then went back to bed, just to kill time until my EVENING flight. They kicked me out at 12, saying it was check-out time, so I went to the airport and read and did fuck all until my flight several hours later. The flight itself went very quickly however, as mike had left me with two xanax pills (one is enough to knock me out) so I took both of them just as I was boarding, and when I sat down I strapped in, put my head against the wall, and instantly fell asleep. Woke up with only 2 hours to go (I’d missed the only inflight movie; GOD delta SUCKS!!). discovered that while I’d been asleep the guy behind me had reached over and unreclined my seat! Cheeky asshole! I tried to re-recline it, because I had NO room cos the guy in front had reclined HIS, and the asshole behind me kept pushing on my seat so hard that I physically couldn’t recline it! Luckily at that point the air hostess came round and offered him a drink, and as he reached to take it he let go of my seat so I reclined it. He instantly started having a strop, going ‘son of a bitch! For fucks sake!’ and stuff. Like, WTF??? We all have a right to be comfortable, why should I suffer just cos he’s a dick?? Fucking DICK. Anyway, I got the train with the ticket I already had, cos it was valid for any return trip within a week of when I said, not just on that day, but I had to buy a new £8 bus ticket cos mine wasn’t valid anymore cos of the delay. Bastards. Aargh I hate delta so much. But I’m finally home, looking forward to seeing everyone again, and getting some sleep.