Fate brings you to a situation where you have to make a mindful decision. It can be as simple as being led to the refrigerator absentmindedly and then you'll decide whether you want coke or water to drink. Whether you want carrots or leftover pizza. What about when you meet somebody new. Do you ever think about how you met them? Was it because you
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No matter what happens in the next second, the next minute, hour, day, week, month, year; I believe that your fate is already made for you. You could win the lottery tomorrow and then get hit by a car the next. It seems like, in your entry, you are saying that you can choose if the car is going to hit you. I do not doubt that you can CHOOSE the fate you MAY have with the winnings from the lottery, yet the CAR is not in your choice. I believe that fate is something that happens when you're not looking. Fate is something that happens when it is time. I believe you can choose anything and everything for all of your life for what you want to happen and not happen, yet what is SUPPOSED to happen is sometimes completely different. What is SUPPOSED to happen is always what happens in the end, no matter what you choose.
Life boggles the mind. Life throws you for loops at a time. Life is a gift. Life is an endless number of choices and decisions that one has to make. However, life always, and will always, win over what you choose.
Take Care.
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