Apr 06, 2009 21:49
I need to be careful about what I write in here, but I think I know what I'm not supposed to say as to avoid criminal charges (seriously).
Grand jury duty is interesting. MUCH different than your stereotypical jury duty. we don't decide if anyone is guilty or not. we decide if there is sufficient evidence to take the case to the next level and indict the defendant(s). we can also question the witness, which I don't believe you can do in a trial jury. also, I was appointed as the secretary, so I get to keep notes on our decisions and such. It's actually pretty fun, and it keeps me focused on the cases. And there are a LOT of cases.
I still have jury duty until Wednesday, which means I get Thursday to either hang out at dad's, or bum around Ithaca. I haven't been to Ithaca in a really long time, I wouldn't mind going to Trader K's, the mall, and seeing if Judy is around. Over the next two days we aren't expected to stay until 5 so I will have some extra time to kill, might just go to Ithaca one of those nights instead. I was pretty beat after today though so I dunno. I'm just mad I missed the sabres game since we don't get VS. up here - not like they have any chance to get a playoff spot, but there's never anything on TV and tonight was a perfect hockey-watching night.
I'm upset that I missed a call during jury duty. From what I could hear, I THINK it was for a job. somewhere. but the thing is, the person on the other end had a really bad connection, therefore making her voicemail all garbled and I couldn't hear a thing she said. sigh. such is life.
I am going up to Rochester..Rochacha.. on Friday to look at apartments with my mom. I have appointments next monday to look at some more with Joe, and I am starting to get incredibly disorganized.
I scheduled 3 for Friday, 3 for Monday, and 1 for Tuesday. But after scheduling those, I forgot that I am still looking for apartments and e-mailing people.. so as I get e-mails in response I keep forgetting to write it down or confirm other appointments. argh!! apartment searching is SO much different when you're not a student, and you're not looking for a particular area in a bigger 'city.'
Not that Rochester is a big city, but it's bigger than Ithaca and that's the biggest place I've lived (or I should say WILL live in). I'm really looking forward to it, and really nervous about looking at places. I wish Joe could be coming with me on Friday. I am glad my mom is at least coming with me, but I'd prefer to have these landlords meet myself AND joe, as we will be their prospective tenants.
I am very much hoping that a place in Farmington fits the bill.
It has about 1 acre of land... it's in an area a bit outside of Rochester - looks like it does around here, with lots of corn fields everywhere (hells yeah google street view).
It has a big back yard, storage shed, bonfire pit, and veggie garden. I've seen pics of all of these, so those definitely come with the place.
However, I have not seen anything of the interior.
It's 1/2 a house which is exactly what I've been looking for and it looks pretty big. Has a nice big deck out back so I think there would be plenty of storage for our kayaks and any other toys.
I think it's 2 bedroom, too. Unfortunately it is a bit above our price range.
Joe and I are looking for something $800 a month or less (so when we split it, it's only $400 each), and this place is $845. Maybe we can talk him down, I dunno. It's hard to do that with rent though..and I suppose it's only an extra $22.50 in the rent, and to have all that space would be worth it. I just wish there were more utilities included in the rent. I also need to find out if they get Cable/Internet out there.....and cell service.
There are 2 other places very close to downtown Rochester we're looking at on Friday, too. I dunno if they will be good enough, but it's at least something. One of them is something like $495 a month.. but it looks SOOOO tiny. Plus, after thinking about it, I REALLY need a place that will someday allow me to adopt a dog, and be big enough for a dog too. especially since we won't have many friends up there at first. once we both get jobs and can easily afford rent/bills, we are definitely adopting from a shelter. unfortunately my cat allergies have been really bad so I dont know if I even want to get a cat or not.. boo.
but I need to take baby steps.
gotta find a place first.
and apply to grad school. I'm waiting on my transcripts and then I will finally be able to apply. I feel bad applying so late in the game, but apparently it's not uncommon for HR masters programs. since most HR professionals who are going back for their Masters are older and have been working for a while, they have smaller programs (which don't require the GRE, w00t!) and have a high acceptance rate.
ok I lost my train of thought.
I got caught up watching animal cops.
I'll write more next week!