May 05, 2008 00:38
real quick update.. cause i feel like i'm leaving you all in the dark. plus all my updates are usually written when i'm being all weird and moody but i'm feeling ok now.. just tired
so some interesting things coming up:
-Human Resources internship at New Horizons Resources for the summer... its crazy professional-like and i get my own desk and computer!
-playing ice hockey over the summer... spending one day a week in a nice cold arena? sounds good to me
-fall 2008 semester will likely be my last semester as a full time student (done with my major in december)
-graduating in spring 2009 and i may have another even more professional internship lined up already
-hopefully going camping on peekamoose mountain sometime soon
-hopefully going kayaking more now that its nice
-going to my cousin's graduation in jersey next weekend... that'll be interesting. but 'im dragging joe along..muahaha
-my group for small group comm is finally getting to me since we only have 2 days to finalize the project and i just hope tomorrows class goes ok
-going to cape cod for a long 4th of july weekend
-stanley cup playoffs w00t! can't wait for the flyers/penguins series. thats gonna be good. unfortunately i dont really know who i want to win anymore tho
-playing fantasy baseball has failed at getting me interested in MLB
-i HAD been going to bed earlier.. like 12 or 1ish... but i stayed up too late last night and broke the cycle
-joe has been job hunting and has sent out his resume to a bunch of places around here, i hope he can stay for the summer
-went white water rafting in the Adirondacks last weekend with joe and his dad and a bunch of his dad's friends
-went home a couple of weeks ago and completed my outfit of hockey gear, also got a new license.. boo license pictures!!!
-my uncle david, out in seattle, had colon cancer and recently had surgery and is now on chemo.. luckily they caught it early enough that he's going to be okay
-my uncle roger on my mom's side has been doing pretty well after the liver transplant, despite his other health ailments like diabetes, among other things
-joe should be hearing back from the state troopers soon about how he did on the written test
-saw ironman last night w00t looking forward to a bunch of the other summer movies coming out.. LIKE THE X-FILES MOVIE!!!! yess!
-joe and i have FINALLY been watching Heroes and oh my god that show is like crack, i love it
well that's all i can think of for the moment unfortunately. i will try to update more often i guess, i do prefer to do chunks like this of all thats been going on. ah well. im honestly surprised i've been writing in here for so long as it is!
so how are all of you??? whoever it is that still reads this... hah