I was 8 years old, I was driving with my mom and her friend, it was my first time in New York city, it was very cold and gray outside, we stopped at a red light, I was looking out the window and I saw an old man in raggedy old clothes and he was sleeping on the sidewalk, I asked my mother "why is that old man sleeping on the side walk?" she said that is where he lives because he is homeless......I then asked her ,(as I watched people walk right by him), why doesn't anyone help that poor old man, and she said because nobody wants to, and she then made me aware that there were many many poor homeless people living in the streets, to this day I carry in my heart the pain and sadness and helplessness I felt for that man that day, I will never forget that awful image...........
I saw on the news the other day 2 billionaires, one was a lady who paid $20 million dollars for a ride into space and the other was a man who spent $4 million dollars on a custom made car.......
SHAME....SHAME.....SHAME.......ON ALL OF US!!!!!THERE IS NO REASON TO HAVE HUMAN BEINGS SLEEPING IN THE COLD STREETS!!!THE RICH ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE FOR THE POOR, WHY IS NO ONE WILLING TO SACRIFICE ANY OF THEIR OWN COMFORTS TO HELP.....yes some people do what they can but it takes more than that, it takes the will to deny yourself indulgences and the will to sacrifice your material lusts........take every movie star, every sports star, every rock star, every oil tycoon and so on.....
it seems like the world is hopeless but it only is because we allow it to be so, God gave us the power to change the world, there's just not enough people willing to do it.......I am crying FATHER.....because I too am part of the problem,....guide me, and use me, I can't take the pain that is spewing from this dark place, let your light shine on me....