happy halloween:)

Oct 31, 2004 19:09

even though i didnt end up going trick or treating with gabi, ivan, cj, and jill, i still had a realllllly great day:). I was awoken early by my mother to go to drill with jeff, where we tested the hoses on the firetruck, which was boring, yet intresting. then i went with lauren to myles' and we went to teh beach adn it was soooooo nice out. then i went to get pizza with laur and mr. lebowitz was there and it was odd. after we went back to her house, and did the end-of-the-season-jump-into-the-bay thing which was like jumping into a huge pool of ice it was so cold. then we went into the jacuzzi:) and we went back and forth a few times:) and now im contemplating starting my speech due tomorrow for ss, but instead watching the real world:)

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