*lies back on the floor of hotel room, imagining kicking the crap out of The Bastard, each blow is a calculated precision shot, timed to give maximum benefit from least effort... still puts alot of effort in, knowing these blows will be breaking several ribs, puncturing lungs, rupturing a kidney, watches blood seep from his ears and mouth, doesn't tire of this*
so angry.. consumed with anger... why? is it because i feel insignificant to her? or because i feel my heart made a choice, which now proves to be the wrong one? And the thing that really fucking gets me is that he seems to be an alright guy.
*imagines him looking up at just that moment, kicks him in the ear, watches him recoil, walks around to the other side of his body, casually, to start on the next set of ribs*
*doesn't think about Liz, pushes her out of mind, a blanket hatred for pretty much everything, blocking out the world like a white noise, body sits self up, and dresses in combat fatigues, ready for duty, heads out the hotel door pretty much on automatic*
*the white noise keeps getting louder*