Aug 28, 2004 21:20
it'll only be a matter of time before i move to Mobile. once I get my truck, i'm out of here. and to all of my friends who say I don't hang out with them anymore i'd like to say : "i bought a cell phone, i had no vehicle at the time, most of you can drive, so you could have came to see me. I do believe thats the point of having a cell phone. I called most of you to see if you wanted to hang out. most of you were at parties, hanging out with each other, watching movies of some sort. never once invited me to hang out. if you did invite me then well, you're exempt from most of this entry, lines 1 and 2 still stand. if you came to visit me, you mostly wanted something. if you didnt, well thats just the way it seems. i'm probably going to be moving out in the past month so, heres your chance."
anyways, i needed to say that. if you start to get offensive with me on this.. then fuck you, you cock. i'm right about all of this. if you come back with a comment saying "you could have visited me." then well guess what. i had no vehicle at the time and i'm not allowed to use my moms car all the damn time.