(no subject)

Feb 07, 2004 04:07

have u ever woken up out of the blue at around 3 or 4 in the morning and feel like uve been awake for hours? thats been happining to me a whole lot lately....i just wake up with some kind of thought in my head kind of talking to myself...then im like....wait...a was asleep a second ago....its a wierd wierd feeling...well amber if it happens tommorow night im gunna wake u up with me..or maybe just write loser all over your face again. im such a nice friend.yeh i just love the fact that everyone thinks we left huntington because im a druggie and t urned u into one...we have dianna to thank for that one..stupid little bitch...lalalalalalaaaadeeeeeddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i should try to sleep now...try try try ttttttttrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy........too bad im way too awake
later bebsss
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