Pick ANY 15 LJ users on your friends list.........

Jan 15, 2004 19:19

1. we kid ourselves when we say we shared something. it was pointless, and altogether, a letdown. i can't say i have any blame though.

2. far away you stay, but what can i say, theres a huge place in my heart for you. idk what to make of the situation though, so im playing it by ear.

3. you got me into Bright Eyes. i hated them at first, but stuck with them, and now i cant get enough

4. you started me on DDR, and you were there when i finally combo'd Dream a Dream. you hook me up with laundry service when i need it too, and the occasional meal.

5. we go back to old times in the hood, chillin in basements just doing nothing special. now the basements different, but the LAN is better.

6. for boston, for boston. SPQR as well. times changed, and so did you, but change is good they say, and you're no exception.

7. i dont know you all that well, but you're a source of great inspiration. dont fucking change kid.

9. you hooked me up with a place to stay. and you're hardly incompetent.

10. i fell in love with you, was amazed, and was dismissed. i blame me. the chime's still active, and it'll always warm my heart

11. whether or not you realize it, we're more similar than we think. you may dislike me, but i ignore it, and just try and change.

12. i could make all you can eat place go out of business. nuff said, considering you're the real genius

13. there was fear of competition for me at first, but after a few cherry shots, i realized you were cool as fuck, and i need to fuckin chillax with you more often. 1.5 seconds of pain and then you're golden. ;)

14  i cant get enough of your pictures. im happy to display them as well.

15. your party was my first of nashua in forever. it was crazy. im glad i met you're circle of friends. you're all awsome.
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