Jun 17, 2006 17:42
I will no longer make fun of your farmer's tan, as I now (not so) proudly sport a rather unpleasant farmer's burn on each arm.
Of course, we both know I was only making fun of you because I was jealous anyways.
Today at work a strange little man successfully gave me the willies. I was canvassing in front of Madison pool - which by the way is insanely cruel of my boss considering it was 96 degrees and I had to watch people lazing about in ice water- and this little man walked by with his elderly mother. I asked him to sign the petition and he did, while his mom went inside to buy pool passes.
This guy "talked" like the one character on King of the Hill (I don't know what else to liken this too). All that came from his mouth were slurred mumbles, and it sounded as though he was messing those up too. A brief conversation:
Manboy: "Are you a teenager?" *Looks me up and down slowly*
Me: "Uh....no"
Manboy: "Trust me...I meant that as a good thing. Wanna go sit in the shade while I wait for my mom?"
Me: "Nope, I have to go. Now. Bye!"
One girl said that she canvassed a vampire who sold her a toy car. Why can't I meet those characters?
Enough about work, though for the record I don't hate it anymore.
I really want to wear this hideously adorable dress I got when thrifting. Looks about late 60's, orange, brown, and white flower print with a boatneck and little tie at the left shoulder. Slightly dropped waist. My mom took it in for me and I forgot about it until now. Hurrah!
I think there is a costume party tonight. I'm not sure if I am going, and if I do, what to wear. I don't have any costumes.