So on Sunday Court and i went to Jiro Park, It was sooo sweet we had an awesome time! So first we went to starbucks and i got a nice stale espresso brownie, and a VEN-TI iced chai latte, and Court got a VEN-TI passion iced tea lemonade and a ginger bread cookie. lol Lots of pictures were taken. Evidence:
This was me trying to climb the sea monster. It started raining and as I was walking down the hump thing then I slipped and fell on my butt which was definetly the most entertaining thing .. EVER!!
I'm not qutie sure at the moment but obviously i found something really funny while I was attempting to "shimmy" up the spikey thingy.
The two hotties one with her huge teeth (court) the other with her scrumply nose (aysh)
Court's artsy shot of the peephole in the octopus. Except theres a rain drop on my lens so it looks kinda wierd
Me being damn fine with my VEN-TI iced chai lol.
Have you ever seen such an unhappy dancer?
Someday i'm going to sell this to some modelling agency. She'll be a best seller!
Looking out to sea!
A triumphant stance.
Encroaching upon the camera
Who would know that this is a candid picture eh?
Bursting out of a dragon eye. sweet eh?
Scaring little kids is what i do best.
Moi in the dragons eye.
It was a VW car show when we got there.. Cool eh?
Herbie the love bug re-re-loaded.
notice the nubbly thumb in my left hand
candid, which is kinda scary.
courts bangs in the middle of her face
ahhh thats better!
this girl is a demon child.
Sorry its so big but this picture needs to be left big to fully appreciate it.
the demon child and her brother, this was a cute moment though, they were going downt he slide together .
After falling you can understand my hesitation in wanting to climb the sea monster again right?
The demon child climbing the sea monster.
this was a difficult endeavour which required a lot of concentration.
but of course we all know that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
the next few are candid ... really!
Like the whole skirt/pant thing i got going on here? I think its really hot
watching the children play.
i like this picture. It is so cute. even though court thinks she's got stomach rolls, which she doesn't but you know what the hell!
i'm moody and soulful, really i am!
this is the expression that we're kinda stumped over. Any ideas?
This girl we met, she was really cute but she was SOOO annoying with this incredibly over active imagination. She kept going on about a treasure map and when the boys gave it to us we had to run as fast as we can with it. and wouldn't stop talking she was litterally rambling on and on about this pirate map and running away!
Can you spot court in this picture?
Ok well thats the lot of them ... except about 8 million that courtney took of the peephole in the ocopus. for no apparent reason. but oh well.
It was a sweet time and we had a ton of laughing times!and one incredibly awkward to send you on your way
look at the extreme joy on the kids faces and courts incredibly awkward one. When the girl left she picked her wedgie right in courts face it was way to funny!
Well hope you weren't too bored with this post. it's a long one i know!