
Jan 08, 2006 13:04

-->>so.. i dont .know I.f you all h.ad a goo.d weeke.nd or. not.. b.ut >I DID<.. [W.O.W] is a.ll i can s.ay .about this .weeke.nd!.  fri.day- .the or.iginaL. p.lan was t.o go se.e Host.el with .LaFia.mma. b.ut. a.s uaua.l, m.y plans .we.re sho.t to h.ell.. lO.l.. i a.ctual.ly d.id .end up. g.oing wit.h La.ffy.. bu.t join.ing u.s w.as Sean., So.phie, Sa.u.ndra, &Co.dy..wh.ich w.as. .ok.. bu.t we .go.t th.ere ab.out. 1.0 mi.nut.es bef.ore .the .movi.e s.tar.ted and .t.here. we.re. so man.y peo.ple .the.re t.hat .we h.ad t.o .wait u.n.til 9:50 to. s.ee a mo.Vie!. So. whi.le w.e waite.d we .we.nt up. to. J.ava J's//.whic.h is w.here all th.e T.rOu.BlE s.tarted.! :-|   ok.. no.t re.ally. 'tro.uble' - le.ts jus.t say.. w.e had. FUN. at. Jav.a J's! .so., yea.. w.e were up. there fo.r like a. hour/.hour.1/2 'w.aitin.g' on .the next .movie.. i mad.e a c.omplE.te foo.l of myse.lf up th.e.re. -i guess you c.ould s.ay it came f.r.om .all the 'f.un' being had.. lol.!! Luckily. for me, .it was kin.d.a late., and a lo.t of people. wer.en..'t out... ! Bu.t yea... th.en we wen.t t.o the cinema.ll and wat.che.d it... and. YE.S-. it is pretty. gross... maybe th.ats w.hy it. is na.med  .host.el.. lo.l?? Afte.r the .mo.vie Laffy. took me. and S.ophie ho.me .and that was .that.. the.n i w.atch.ed mov.ies fo.r t.he re.st of. the. night and th.ought .about. how mu.ch fu.n i woul.d hav.e "in th.e .good. 'ole da.ys" with a.lisha.. un.fortu.na.tely s.he did.n't feel .like s.he wa.nted .tO co.me... again! Bu.t ya kn.ow- all is. well... cause i .h.ad anot.her m.agnific.ent tim.e on s.atur.day nig.ht! Li.z st.ayed & w.e pr.etty much. just c.hilled he.re .wat.ch.ing m.ovie.s and w.hat not.. bu.t any.thin.g with .h.er is fu.n- s.he is .like th.e fU.nni.est bitc.h ev.er!! <3  a.nd so ye.a.. we .Just p.rett.y much .chilled ;D  y.ea.. hope.fully ne.xt week.end wi.ll be .as much f.un as th.is One! right. no.w w.e are watchin.g Scar.y Mo.vie 3 .wh.ich i fin.d re.ta.rted.. b.ut for s.ome re.as.on Li.z is li.ke obse.ssed w.ith.. i th.ink its bec.ause o.f Pam. And.erson. [H.aha- j.ust pl.ayin' th.ere bud.s.. :)] Bu.t i am t.hinki.ng of havi.ng a part.y thi.s wee.kend.. i know a. lot of peopl.e need that sh.it! lol.. sch.ool and ev.erythiNg g.oing on i.s so s.tressfu.l right. abou.t now.. and. i thi.nk peo.ple nee.d a break.. .and wha.t be.tte.r way t.han .a [p a r t y]?!. its .not for. sure yet.. but if. i can get .it toge.ther yall s.hould st.op by... uNless of .co.rse you .are o.ne of thos.e nasty h.aters?! .-cause you kn.ow h.ow .we be do.in' it here.! hah.a-- so. i'll let y.all kno.w!.. but i am go.nna go ahead. and .watch the .rest of thi.s movie and. start g.ett.ing readY for the day.. [[wo.w.. i ha.ve b.een .upda.ting this .since 11:08 this .mornin.g.. and. its li.ke 12:51 rig.ht now....idk wh.at ti.me it .will be. whe.n i .get done ma.king th.is the il.lest entr.y you h.ave. ever see.n!!..

but everybody stay classy.. and WATCH OUT FOR THE DAME HOOT OWL!!

comments please!


[[baby if I ever get the chance to be with you again I would sacrifice.cuz the feeling that I feel within,no other man could ever make me feel so right.It's nice to smile when I get your phone call at night..but I'd rather have you here with me, right next to me- I miss the way you hold me tight]]


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