Entry 15 :: I've Found My Inspiration...

Aug 04, 2004 02:44

I look at certain artist/directors/producers and think what went through their mind to create such a beautiful thing. When Speilberg made E.T. or Jurassic Park or when Nas spit N.Y. State Of Mind. What went through the mind of D.J. Premier when he produced one of classic album just based on beats because the lyrics lacked. I want to be one of those people to make something beautiful that lives throughout time and people can recall it and say...

"That's my inspiration."

For the past few days, I blame Dave Chapelle for the "Blind Black Supremist" sketch because it has done something evil to my cousins. Ever since I saw them at the beach, they can't stop but say the N word. Now, I'm not saying "nigga." but with the er. Antoin is thirteen and Aaron is eleven. Aaron is just mocking what Antoin is saying and the crazy thing about it is that Aaron cusses more than Antoin. I mean, we could be playing a video game and all of a sudden... "damn..." or "shit." and I'm like ...:eh: But the first day I took them to play basketball, Aaron said something to Antoin and then Antoin replied and after that he said the N word. Right there I said... enough is enough.

I told him the history of the word and how it's one of those words you can't say so freely. What Dave Chapelle did was a joke and something a lot of people found offensive and the thing that Antoin said which told me a lot about the boy's future was.. "Well, I'm a .....*insert word here*" and you know what I replied with and said... "Okay.. for damn sure you are."

I'm scared of the youth today and the words that I say to the both of them don't have no effect whatsoever. That's why I need to be inspiration to them and some other people that are around my age or even people older than me. It hurts to see young kids say a word like that without even knowing the true meaning and history behind it. How our people have been opressed and have been enslaved and called just by a word to catergorize us as a majority. I don't like the word at all nor the word that associates with it "nigga." I said it sometimes but I only say it when someone is getting on my nerves. But I know the limits to where to stop.

"Sometimes people are hard-headed."

But that's besides the point of the entry, Who are the people that I found inspiration from? The people who give me that little something to keep moving on each and everday?

There are several people and there are some at the top of my fingers who I can say. I'm going to name at least 3 people and why they influence me to be the person that I am today:

God: Although I'm not one of the most spiritual and most holy of people, I have a relationship with God. At least, numerous times of the day I'm thinking what is he thinking about me and this situation. It's something aching at the edge of my mind. Worrying is something I need to stop and like I said before in another entry, I need to stop and take sometime out for him. He created me and he has helped me be the person that I am today. When I wanted a job, he gave it to me but that's the problem that I've realized and what I think most people haven't realized. If you want something, he's going to set the path and all you got to do is make the first step. Without having any plans on where you're going or how you're going to get to it, You need to step back and re-think on why you want this and how it's going to benefit you. He isn't going to give you anything that won't benefit you but he will give you something that will. You just need to take the steps and there are some steps that I need to take to achieve that goal and I know, he is there for me non-stop. After all the sins and everything, he has awoken me up many of times to make my life better. For that, I find inspiration and influence.

My parents: I love them to death especially my mother but my father, I love the guy. He's exactly like me but he's just older. The thing's they sacrficed and taught me, I would pass on and teach my children and for that, that's influence in itself.

Nissa: Yeah her. My only close friend that I ever had and we still friends till this day. She wants me to become a better person and wants me to succeed and she wants me to be successful and I want her to do the same.

There are alot of influences but right now, I'm scrapping the idea I have for LoveSpeakeasy and now starting with a new one. I let my mom read some of the ideas and she told me... "You can do better not saying it's bad... But make it imaginative and take it out of this world." and that's what I'm going to do.

After this website I finish, the main priorities right now is school and lovespeakeasy.
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