Jan 16, 2006 11:22
so im gonna take the "special k challange" the whole lose 6 ilbs in 2 weeks thing lol it shall be interesting im going to eat a bowl of the special k red berries cereal 1 cup w. 2/3 cup of milk every morning...and then for lunch no groddy school lunch just a special k bar and some water soo now i dont have to worry bout leaving early for lunch and pissing off mrs stoudt lol if ne one wants to join me in this experience they can and we can talk about it and shit lol....i might even do a lil exercising...and we shall see what happens lol im excited...its says to drink alot of water and stuff and eat your 3rd meal like you normally would and the reason why i picked my 2 meals to be breakfast and lunch is because i figure my mom is gonna be makin me eat dinner and i dont wanna sit at the table eating special k while everyone is eating normal dinner food ya know so ya that is the plan and well see what happens...i think ill even keep everyone up to date on if i have lost ne weight and how i feel lol...o ya and its not all about loosing weight i need to eat healthier ne wayz ask jessica she knows all i do is eat junk food when i go over her house lol...so ya no more mickey D's jess sorry lol love ya ♥