M-A-R-I-N-E-R spells SHIT!!!!!!!!

Jul 20, 2005 08:58

OMG!!!!! WTF!!!!!???? So.....this was my original plan to wake up at 6:10 and leave by 6:30 to get a pass at mariner....didnt happen....jessica called me at like 4 something "WHERE ARE YOU?!!!" ummm SLEEPING!!!  "WELL YOU BETTER GET TO MARINER CUZ THERE IS ALREADY A HUGE LINE!" wtf?!! are u kidding me? i didnt think anyone was gonna get up for this..."WELL THEY DID!" oh k ill be there in like 10 mins....then candice calls me "WHERE ARE YOU!!!" im on my way!! "WELL YOU BETTER GET HERE FAST!" im thinking great so i get there and there is already like 100 people there!!! what the hell well let me skip to the good part....the gate starts to open at 7:00 and im pretty close to the front of the line and all of a sudden EVERYONE (like 300 people) start pushing so my body is literally being CRUSHED! i couldnt breath it was like what happend at that one night club that caught on fire people died because they couldnt get out because they were being trampled on and crushed and they couldnt catch a breath seriously for a second i thought i was gonna die it was REDICULOUS! there was absolutely no order what so over they could have atleast had seniors go one day to get their passes and juniors another but they didnt there was no order people were acting like animals all to get a freakin parking spot at this gay ass school!!!....once the gate opened i found myself running like everyone else did and then we had to wait in another line to see if we had any fees or fines to pay!!! and they didnt have us standing out in the courtyard or ne thing where there is so much room to stand but they had the table actually set up in the hallway and if u have ever been to mariner u know how small those freakin hallways are so basically everyone is packed in this tiny hallway like sardines and everyones body heat is just making everything tens times worse and they wont stop complaining so it just gets hotter from the hot air coming out of their mouths the "administraitors" are yelling at us to GET BACK MOVE BACK! OR WE ARENT SELLING NE THING!!!  well its kind of hard to move back when your cramped so tight in this little freakin hallway so newayz i finally get to the table and find out i have a 61 dollar fee to pay for an anatomy book my teacher told me not to worry about..so instead of getting in the next line which would be the final line to get my pass i had to go into the front office to pay my fee and stand in another line with everyone else who had a fee!!!!....if i would have gotten in line instead of having to go into the office i would have a senior parking pass like i should because IAM A FREAKIN SENIOR I HAVE ONLY WAITED 3, 4 YEARS WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT!!!! but no iam in the second to last row of the junior lot....o and by the way when i was in the front office paying my fee my friend anna randazzo and this other girl andrea that i barely know come running up to me "JORDAN!!! JORDAN!!! OMG CAN YOU PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR FINES PLEASE!!! so i felt really bad for them so i did annas was 14 dollars and andreas was 45 dollars so i payed 120 dollars in fines and an extra 20 dollars to park in the freakin junior NOT senior lot....and that 120 dollars was my 200 dollars my mom gave me to go shopping for clothes for school!!!!....i swear this was such bullshit its not even funny...all i have to say about today is MARINER SUX ASS and i have to work at 5 and better see those two girls with my money there or else!!!! IUAHSDGIOUHYASOIGUHAOISUDGY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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