Title: The Rational Brain and the Sleeping Boy
Word count: 390
Rating: G may be PG
Pairing: Marcus/Oliver.
Warnings: None, well boy crushing.
Much love to my beta and friend
Chimerablack Marcus glanced across the class room as Professor Binns droned on and on about some goblin war. His rival captain appeared to have passed out from boredom, his head resting in his book, quill hand dangling off the side of the table. Looking at Oliver sleeping like that was very different than looking at the awake and active and also very annoying Oliver. He liked the way Oliver looked when he was asleep. He liked it a lot. The way his hair fell into his eyes, the way his nose crinkled when he breathed in. Thank God he wasn't a mouth breather, otherwise Marcus would be thoroughly annoyed with the way Oliver looked sleeping. But Marcus shouldn't be focusing (or was he fixating?) on how Oliver looked while sleeping. He should be focusing on beating the hell out of him at the next Quidditch match, on passing his classes so he didn't get held back again. But instead, he was watching Oliver Wood sleep two seats away from him.
He shouldn't fancy Oliver the way he did. Bloody hell! He shouldn't even fancy boys, but he had gotten all the self loathing from that out in fourth year. So, no more time spent freaking in the bathroom, rocking back and forth muttering, "I don't like blokes." That shit was for losers. There were too many guys out there and too little time for him to worry about which gender he was attracted to. But, falling for Wood was one thing he wasn't ready for. Then rational part of Marcus' brain, the part he hardly pays attention to, started saying things like, “You two have a lot in common, you both play Quidditch, you are both team captains, you both get bored to tears in Prof. Binns' class, you're in the same year...” To which Marcus replied, “We are in different houses, and we get into fights....” But his mind had a comeback for that. “You only fight on the Quidditch field or when it gets very close to game day. "Oh, and people from different houses don't see each other.”
Marcus' rational brain had won, he had to bite the bullet and admit defeat. He just might fancy Oliver Wood. Now a new question popped into his head. Did Oliver look like that when he was sleeping in a bed?