(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 00:12

So, I think I'm going to be returning to the Kalamazoo area sooner than I would have intended...

Since Clarkston has rejected me from every job available, and I'll be paying rent on a house in Kalamazoo, I figure why not live there? I could try to find a job there, for the remainder of the summer, or even into the school year.

Plus, the Multiform Theatre has rentals over the summer that they need people to work, and that's money and experience that wouldn't hurt...

The only problem is, I'd be moving at the beginning of July. As in, around the Fourth of July.

But... AAAAARGH!!!! I'm sooooo unsure about this! I didn't think I'd be this unsure about it... I mean, I'd be moving back there eventually, but now it's all seeming so sudden.

On the otherhand, my dad's works as a prof at OCC, and I'd be able to take summer courses for free if I stick around, except that I'd still be unemployed and bored out of my skull half of the time. Though it'd give me more time to get stuff all in order for the house and school.

I really just want everything to be impossibly simple and for this decision to be solved for me.

So... I'll let you decide!

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