Mar 06, 2006 19:37
Well can't really be bothered with a massive update, just a little post to let you all know I'm still alive.....barely =S
I'm dying of bird flu. Haha. Nah I dunno think it's just everything catching up with me and stuff, Twinkle's death and lack of sleep and all the other more private affairs of last week. Think it's kinda all just happening all at once =| and too soon! Or perhaps I'm just looking for an excuse to complain =P
No honestly, I've got the flu or something =( pure dyin. Swallowing Lemsip after Lemsip, no joy as yet =S Honestly do just think it's everything that's happened. I couldn't be bothered doing anything last week. I mean ANYTHING at all =S like I would be bored and need something to do, but couldn't be arsed doing anything....then I'd be bored of being bored and just sleep....and then still be tired 6 hours later =S It's just not normal for me, just always so full of get-up-and-go =D.....I dunno. Maybe I'm just being lazy =S
Karena saw Jordan in town last night. Was apparently quite interesting =) and Jade is in the same homeless unit as Karena used to be in. I wonder if she loves it as much as I did ='D haha. I've heard she's met Tony =| poor lassie lol! God help her if Lou and Becki came back =S aaargh! Oh, and apparently he told the truth. For a change. Not a bad start =) (Y) he should keep it up. But I think I'm done with that section of my life for now. Hopefully for good. Can't really be bothered seeking the truth anymore. Though that might change when I recover since I can't be bothered with anything ='D haha!
Wasn't this supposed to be a short update? Oops...
Wellll....don't think there's much else to say. Twinkle has been dead a week today =( rather upsetting. I suppose I'll get over it in time...
THAT'S what I had to say! Finally found a pet shop job =D!! .........But the woman's being a cow and not letting me have it =@ I'm gonna show her. Shame cause it's only a few weeks til I finish school for good, and it's gonna take her that length of fucking time to get through application forms and interviews and shit. So I dunno why I can't at LEAST hand in a form....cow. I hope Karena gets it. Stick it up the shiter to her =D
OK, I'm going this time =P