(no subject)

Jun 26, 2005 13:38

Hey peoples =)

Not much to say here, Amsterdam was great except the fact that I nearly didn't get back home =| (or into the country for that matter, since I don't look anything like my passport picture =P). My fingers are cold cause I'm sitting underneath the fan =( I'm not staying in Nitshill any more either but I think most people know that now =S

My mum has since found out where I'm now staying and had only this to say:

"U just shat on the one u nu u cd rely on be happy in the leper colony dont bother us again traitor goodbye."

......Which might imply that she's not best pleased with me.

My granny + granddad laughed at this.

I don't know why the fact that my mum doesn't talk to them, should mean that I'm a bad bastard for living with them =S what's the big deal really? Suppose she would've been happier knowing that I was living in a cardboard box underneath the Kingston Bridge but that's another story =S

They also decided that they'd tell me lots of things I'd rather not have heard, i.e. concerning my family history. Stuff that I already had an idea of, but didn't really need confirmed. Still, I've been thirsty for this knowledge a long time, so much so that it was beginning to drive me insane, and I might as well take the chance to find out these things and load myself up with ammunition, before I never get the chance to hear things like this again. After all, there's no way the rest of my family would tell me these things ^o) kinda makes me wanna SCREAM!!! ='(

Almost 8 months and still going strong =) me and Karena are getting along a lot better these days but I don't wanna jinx it. Right this minute she's in her house practising her striptease for when I get up to her house ='D pmsl she's so amazing =)

Better go, my credit's running out =|

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