May 19, 2005 23:06
And I forgot to say...
"If YoU Had to DeScribe Me in 3 word what woUld Yo SaY Send ThiS To 3ppl In The Next 10 inS For YoUr DreaM To CoMe TrUe".....
....A wee thing Johnny sent me. So naturally I do it..
David: funkeh, cute, crazy
Johnny: crazy-cool-lesbian
Jen: fun, sensiab;e, sensitive
James: sexual ,horny and lustiful.......PMSL what the fuck?!
Hahaha just thought I'd add those, rather amusing =P other people can answer in comments too, if you want! =D
Man my typing's going mad =|...must be tired haha. I'm off to my bed then sweeties =D