Because I haven't done one in a while. (Noo, I'm not constipated you sick people.)

Feb 06, 2005 07:44

Soheila, Dave, Sarah and Lauren are the best.

Yesterday, I spent the night (eww) with the above lovely friends... One of the funniest nights I've had in a while, I seem to be able to bounce off of those guys humour-wise, and Soheila and Lauren remarked that they had never seen me make others laugh, as I am usually a 'quiet boy'. This made me happy.

Unfortunately the Sarah had to leave early, and I decided to go at 1:30am, (which is where the drama started) and went to my car to find out that the battery was flat... In 'A Retrospective' mood I remembered that as I pulled in to park, I'd turned my stereo right the way down so I could call Soheila and ask which number she lived in. Soo, I locked up the car and left Saetia playing soundlessly to the Skram.ghosts in my car.

Ended up crashing at the flat, with lots of cuddling, spooning and secrets revealed. I feel this should be done again soon.

(Lauren, I apologise for hogging bedsheets and being a fidget. In all fairness, I was falling off the bed most of the time. Hope I didn't snore either..)

My Dad drove to Soho's (see Terra, Terracotta, Terrorist, Darky, (racistbuggars) Solarlights) house at 8 with some jump leads, and I forgot to set my alarm so kept him waiting for 45 minutes. Managed to get the car started, followed him home, made it home at 9 when I was supposed to be at work, grabbed a quick shower/washed eyeliner of off eyes, back of wrists (thanks Lauren)/blasted hair with straightners quickly, then rode to work and made it in for 9:30. Winner. I'm not feeling the effects yet...


I think that I'll be walking around town at 3am tomorrow morning taking photographs for my Nightlife/Abandonment project. I'm quite excited.

Bands to listen to:
The Newfound Interest in Connecticut
The Sound of Animals Fighting

'Meet me in the middle'
Me on spooning 'Don't worry, I won't bum you... I have a vagina'
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