Feb 28, 2012 20:23
Of course posting more is somewhere on this list, but probably fourth place. Right under find a new job with decent hours...that is decent, set aside time to go walking and exercise once I have this decent job with a decent schedule because I'm exhausted all the time now. They worked it out so I would get Fridays and Saturdays off, but somehow I still end up working my 40+ hours and being exhausted on my days off, which sucks. Also, I need to lose weight. I've gained back everything I lost in the last two years and probably more. It sucks so much. I've been trying to spend more time on hair and makeup and I've been trying to eat better, but this job just doesn't give me the work out that the last one did and the crazy hours leave me more exhausted than it did somehow. It especially sucks because I got told by a customer that I'd be "smokin" if I dropped fifty pounds. Why thank you, that is quite the compliment and self esteem booster. Ugh.
People are so classy. An excellent example being the fight two customers had at work today. Never a dull moment.
Please excuse any bad spelling or grammar and lack of cuts as I typed this entire thing up on my phone.... and I should be in bed by now. Have I mentioned that I dislike my job and crazy hours?