Jul 06, 2005 23:41
I was just thinking to myself and..
i've had about 7 of these livejournal things since freshman year of hs. . . 5 years ago basically.
and i just had to take it all in and say wow.
-i saw RENT on broadway today.
-i sat in the 5th row.
-it was nuts.
-i bought 2 new pars of sunglasses from a dirty man on the street.
-i gave money to the homeless.
-i ate a lot of good food.
-i walked a lot too.
-i bought clothes for europe.
...well, my aunt did.
-i came home and got paid/went to cody's.
i sound like such a spoiled bitch according to this entry. and thats the complete opposite of how it really is. damn.