:: read this guys... please! its awesome... or i thought it was... ::

Dec 22, 2004 22:12

"My dearest Brandon:
This is gonna be my last letter to you. My prayer is that you've made your journey safely and that now you're preparing to be doing battle. 'Cause it's only when you're the weakest and the most defeated, that you're most pliable in His hands. It's only when your vision is dead, that God's vision comes alive.
I have told you of the four steps to fufilling your dream. First you recieved it, then you twisted it into your version of greatness, and now, at long last, it's dead. But it is only dead as Abraham's dream of Isaac was dead on the altar, as Josheph's dream of ruling his brothers was dead in prison, as our Lord's dreamto save the world was dead on the cross, as Moses' dream of freeing his people was dead when he fled to the wilderness.
Unlike Moses, your time in the wilderness was short. But your death was just as thourough. God commanded Moses to throw down his staff so He could transform it. But, just as importantly, he ordered Moses to pick it back up. You are God's now. Brandon Martus is dead. His dream is dead. His call is dead. No one can be harming or hurting you 'cause no one can harm or hurt a dead man. No one can be killing you 'cause no one can kill a dead man. All that you are is Christ's... and all that is Christ's is yours.
Now it is time for the forth and final step. Now you must be picking up your staff. You have recieved the call. You have distorted it. You have watched it die. Now, you must let Him resurrect it.
He has set an open door before you, Brandon Martus, that no one can close. All you got to do is walk through it. The seed has fallen to the ground and died. Now it is time for it to sprout and bear fruit. Your work is complete. Now, pick up your staff and watch as God completes His.
Good-bye, my brother. I look forward to meeting you again.

that's a letter exerpt from the book "Fire of Heaven" by Bill Meyers that i just finished reading...... I thought that letter pretty much summed up what i want to know, what i know i need to do... die to myself and let Christ live through me..... stop like distorting things to fit what I wants and instead focus on what GOD wants.... its hard.... but i'm trying. :) alright i'm done sharing. adios kidos!

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