Can't take it anymore!!

Feb 20, 2011 19:19

God I am so stressed that I so want to cry. I have never wanted to drop out of school like I do right now! I want to say fuck it and not go back till next semester. I so can't handle it anymore. Pharmacology and medical terminology are kicking my ass. If I don't pass them then I can kiss clinicals goodbye this summer. Coding used to be fun. Now it's down right horrid. I was supposed to go to Clayton's yesterday for help and ended up with a migraine. And then today he was busy and I have a ton of homework to do that I don't know much about. I don't know what happened. I mean there for a while I was doing so well and then all of a sudden it got tithe point that I don't know what I'm doing. I told Jason that I should go back to criminal justice and then go for my bachelors degree. But to be honest I am so fucking tired of going to school. I think if I get lucky to get 5 c's in all my classes then I just might take a semester off. This shit is killing me. Jason knows I want to drop out for a semester but I know he would be disappointed in me and probably even think bad of me. This just sucks major donkey dicks. I feel if I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Ugh!! I just want to sit here and fucking cry!

via ljapp

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