Hyuu~! The flour finally came out of my hair this morning, nya~! 8D That's good, ne? I was getting sick of having white hair, na~. It's looked silly on me, ne? ^^; Though if it had been more silvery, I would have looked like Riku, ne? ...Before he went pink, ne? X3;
Mm...I guess I don't really have much to say today, ne? I'll cut it there, na. :3
It's not long at all until we have to leave for the summer, ne? ...It's starting to get depressing. It really is.
...Okay, maybe depressing isn't the right word. I'm terrified. I have to face Ashura...and he'll be angry. I got that tattoo...maybe that was a mistake. He'llbeangry...and I'm...I...
I'm not sure I'm strong enough to fight him. And he might really, really hurt me this time...
I wonder if he might try to k ki ...kill me?
No, that won't happen. I hope. I just need to escape as soon as I can, with as little damage as possible. I don't want to worry anyone...
That island vacation with Misato sounds like a dream...a beautiful dream, ne? It seems very...surreal, somehow. I can't explain why. It certainly gives me something to hope for.
...I love her so much. I wish I could just skip over going to Ashura's house and go right to the wonderful sandy beaches with her by my side, ne? ♥
[OOC: Icon and Mood are private, but Misato can see. He's been very out of it lately, because he's been thinking too much about all of the above. He's starting to get worried now, and it should show outside of the journal. He'll deny it though, of course. :3]