May 12, 2005 14:07
Well, it's official. I'm addicted to poker.
But on a happy note, I was almost knocked out of a tourny...had 10 chips left...and I fought my way back to 1,500 chips. Got a straight flush in there somewhere. Right now I'm still in it, at the final table. I'll let you know how it turns out.
In other news, Marc/J-Funk ripped the new Weezer album and sent it to me. Pretty good, so far. Obviously not as good as the Blue Album, but that's almost to be expected at this point.
WOW. Someone just won a hand with four of a kind, Aces. Crazy shit.
I'm planning on buying Guild Wars later today. I found some gift certificate for Best Buy, and I'll probably go use it. DJ's supposed to be getting it soon, and Erik said he'd probably buy it. The game looks SO awesome. I just hope it's not all hype. Anyone who reads this that has a decent modem (..not dial-up..) and wants to spend 50 bucks, get Guild Wars. Even if you're unfamiliar with CPU games. We'll teach you. We just need bodies.
Only another week or so of classes, then I'm off for the summer. Thank God.
Poker update: Now up to 3,500 chips. 5 people left in the tourny. Rock 'n roll.
White Sox are still kickin' ass. That's good. Just hope they don't collapse or something, because Chicago sports teams tend to do that unless they're the '90 Bulls.
The Cubs are also losing, which makes the Sox winning that much better. Hahahahaha, die Cubs.
What else....well, if I stay at this school next year (which I'll probably do), we'll be going on "tour" with a guest artist. We'll just be going around to random schools, playing for them and shit. The guest artist is sort of up in the air right now, but the lead candidate is some guy who played Trumpet with the Thad Jones/Mel Lewis band on the Consumation album. He's supposed to be outstandingly good, so I'm hoping he is.
Got a bunch of concerts coming up. Jazz Ensemble concert this Friday, Sax Ensemble on Monday, and Concert Band in a week or 2. I love concert season. Yay.
Speaking of music, the new Ludacris song? Horrible. I hate it. Despise it. And anyone who can tell me EXACTLY why gets a dollar. That's assuming people read this entry and comment. And no, the reason isn't because I'm racist.
I refuse to finish this update until the poker tourny is done, or I lose. Right now, looks like I'll lose. Because I'm getting bored. I just lost about 1000 chips, because I kept betting on a pair of 3's. Other guy had a Flush. Yeah, bad move. Ugh. pocket 2/6 offsuit. Sometimes I hate poker.
This reminds me of a couple months ago, when DJ and I played poker daily..and then Marc started playing. Then...we kind'a quit. And before, DJ, Mike/Mjsilfies, and Ant would play almost every day. And all four of us got our chat suspended for bad language.
Down to 4 people in the tourny. Second in chips.
Nevermind. Down to 3.
He's got 6k more chips than I do, though.
...Nevermind. I now have 6k more. Thank God for a diamond flush on the river.
Annnd I lost.
Never go all-in with a 2 pair, Kings and 10s. Especially when your opponent has a set of 3s.